Τα φρουτάκια ή αλλιώς κουλοχέρηδες είναι ένα από τα πιο δημοφιλή παιχνίδια στον κόσμο του casino online καθώς καθημερινά, πολλοί παίκτες ανά τον κόσμο επιλέγουν εμπειρία των Online Slots ως διασκέδαση με στόχο να κερδίσουν μεγάλα χρηματικά έπαθλα.
Ωστόσο, υπάρχουν διάφοροι όροι που πολύς κόσμος δεν γνωρίζει και σχετίζονται με το πως λειτουργούν τα φρουτάκια, για παράδειγμα τι είναι το RTP;
RTP στο online casino
Το RTP (Return to Player) στα φρουτάκια είναι το ποσοστό των χρημάτων που επιστρέφονται στους παίκτες μακροπρόθεσμα και αποτελεί ένα σημαντικό παράγοντα για την αξιολόγηση και επιλογή ενός παιχνιδιού.
Συνήθως, εκφράζεται ως ένα ποσοστό, διαφέρει από παιχνίδι σε παιχνίδι και αναφέρεται στο μενού πληροφοριών του εκάστοτε παιχνιδιού.
Συνήθως το RTP στα Online φρουτάκια είναι από 92% εώς 99% ενώ το πιο συνηθισμένο RTP είναι 95%-96%.
- Φρουτάκια με χαμηλό RTP: περίπου 92%
- Φρουτάκια με υψηλό RTP: περίπου 99%
Τι σημαίνει το ποσοστό του RTP
Όταν ένα online slot έχει RTP 95% σημαίνει ότι αναμένεται να επιστραφεί το 95% των συνολικών χρημάτων που παίχτηκαν στο παιχνίδι, πρός όλους τους παίκτες μακροπρόθεσμα ενώ το 5% θα παραμείνει ως κέρδος, το οποίο μοιράζεται ανάμεσα στην εταιρεία που παίζει ο παίκτης και στον Casino πάροχο, την εταιρεία δηλαδή που έχει δημιουργήσει και προσφέρει το παιχνίδι. Η Novibet συνεργάζεται με casino providers που έχουν εγγραφεί στο μητρώο που τηρεί η ΕΕΕΠ.
Για παράδειγμα όπως φαίνεται και από το παρακάτω screenshot από τις πληροφορίες του παιχνιδιού βλέπουμε ότι το φρουτάκι Tome of Madness της Play n Go έχει RTP 96,59%
ενώ το Legacy of Dead έχει RTP 96,58%
Παρόλα αυτά πρέπει να ξεκαθαρίσουμε ότι το RTP δεν είναι ένα ποσοστό εγγυημένων κερδών για τον κάθε παίκτη, δεν σημαίνει δηλαδή ότι εαν ένα παίκτης παίξει 100 ευρώ σε φρουτάκια, ότι θα πάρει πίσω τα 95 (εάν το συγκεκριμένο παιχνίδι έχει RTP 95%), αλλά αποτελεί μια μακροπρόθεσμη στατιστική βάση που δείχνει την πιθανότητα επιστροφής χρημάτων ανάμεσα στα συνολικά χρήματα που θα παιχτούν και αυτά που θα μοιραστούν σε όλους τους παίκτες.
Δηλαδή ένα φρουτάκι με υψηλό RTP έχει μεγαλύτερες πιθανότητες να επιστρέψει χρήματα στους παίκτες σε σχέση με ένα άλλο με χαμηλότερο RTP, επομένως είναι σημαντικό για τους παίκτες να γνωρίζουν το RTP του κάθε παιχνιδιού.
Ωστόσο είναι σημαντικό να γίνει κατανοητό ότι το RTP δεν επηρεάζει την έκβαση του κάθε spin καθώς οι περιστροφές είναι τυχαίες λόγω του RNG στα φρουτάκια.
Από τι επηρεάζεται το εάν θα κερδίσει κάποιος στα φρουτάκια
Υπάρχουν διάφοροι παράγοντες που μπορεί να επηρεάσουν τόσο το πόσο κερδίζει κάποιος στα φρουτάκια Online καθώς και το εάν κάποιος θα κερδίσει γενικότερα.
Ένας από αυτούς είναι και το RTP καθώς καθορίζει τις πιθανότητες κέρδους και μπορεί να δείξει την αναμενόμενη απόδοση του παιχνιδιού.
Ένας άλλος είναι το RNG δηλαδή ο αλγόριθμος που εξασφαλίζει ότι τα αποτελέσματα του κάθε spin είναι τυχαία και δεν επηρεάζονται από τον ανθρώπινο παράγοντα.
Ένας άλλος σημαντικός παράγοντας είναι η διακύμανση ή αλλιώς Volatility και σημαίνει το πόσο συχνά κερδίζει ένα φρουτάκι και το πόσο μεγάλα είναι τα κέρδη που δίνουν τα spin.
Οπότε ενδεικτικοί παράγοντες που επηρεάζουν το εάν κάποιος θα κερδίσει στα φρουτάκια, εκτός από το RTP, είναι το RNG και το Volatility.
Έχει σχέση το RTP με το πόσο συχνά κερδίζει κάποιος;
Η απάντηση είναι πολυπαραγοντική. Ένα παιχνίδι παρόλο που μπορεί να έχει RTP 99% ενδέχεται να μην βγάζει συχνά πολλές νίκες, όταν όμως θα το κάνει τα χρήματα που θα μοιράσει να είναι μεγάλα. Έτσι παρόλο που έχει μεγάλο RTP, μπορεί να δημιουργείται στους παίκτες η εντύπωση ότι το συγκεκριμένο φρουτάκι δεν “κερδίζει”.
Αντίστοιχα, ένα φρουτάκι με 92% RTP μπορεί να μοιράζει συχνά κέρδη στους παίκτες αλλά τα ποσά να μην είναι μεγάλα.
Η συχνότητα ή αλλιώς volatility είναι ο παράγοντας που επηρεάζει το πόσο συχνά κερδίσει κάποιος και όχι το RTP.
Συχνές Ερωτήσεις (FAQs)
Τι είναι το RTP;
Το RTP (Return to Player) αναφέρεται στο ποσοστό των χρημάτων που επιστρέφονται στους παίκτες στα φρουτάκια Online μακροπρόθεσμα.
Πόσο είναι το RTP στα φρουτάκια;
Συνήθως το RTP στα Online φρουτάκια είναι από 92% εώς 99% ενώ το πιο συνηθισμένο ποσοστό RTP είναι 95%-96%.
Γιατί είναι σημαντικό το RTP;
Το RTP όσο είναι ένας σημαντικός παράγοντες που επηρεάζει την αξιοπιστία στα online φρουτακια.
Πώς λειτουργεί το RTP στα φρουτάκια Online;
Το RTP υπολογίζεται με βάση το σύνολο των spins και χρημάτων που έχουν παιχτεί και του ποσοστού των χρημάτων που επιστρέφονται στους παίκτες.
Ποιός ορίζει το RTP στα φρουτάκια Online;
Tα φρουτάκια σχεδιάζονται και κατασκευάζονται από παρόχους λογισμικού όπως ενδεικτικά η NetEnt, η Play n Go, η Playtech, η Pragmatic Play κτλ και οι εταιρείες αυτές ορίζουν το RTP του κάθε παιχνιδιού ενώ παράλληλα υποχρεούνται να το δηλώνουν στην ΕΕΕΠ.
Ποιοι παράγοντες επηρεάζουν το RTP;
Οι παράγοντες που μπορεί να επηρεάσουν το RTP είναι ο τύπος του slot και τις ρυθμίσεις του παιχνιδιού και ορίζονται από τους παρόχους παιχνιδιών.
Τι προσφέρει το RTP;
Το υψηλό RTP προσφέρει μεγαλύτερες πιθανότητες κέρδους στους παίκτες αφού είναι μεγαλύτερο το ποσοστό των χρημάτων που επιστρέφονται στους παίκτες σε σχέση με αυτά που παίζονται.
Πώς μπορώ να επιλέξω φρουτάκια με καλό RTP;
Για να επιλέξετε ένα slot με καλό RTP, μπορείτε να διαβάσετε τις πληροφορίες του παιχνιδιού και να δείτε το RTP που προσφέρει.
Λίστα με τα RTPs από όλα τα φρουτάκια
Παρακάτω ακολουθεί όλη η λίστα με τα RTPs στα φρουτάκια της Novibet:
Game Name | RTP* |
40 Fortune Fruits 6 | 95.43% |
50 Fortune Fruits | 95.45% |
9-Line Fortune | 95.00% |
A Fistful Of Wilds | 95.20% |
Action Joker | 95.12% |
Almighty Jackpots: Realm of Poseidon | 95.18% |
Always Hot Deluxe | 95.36% |
Amazing Stars | 94.00% |
Apollo God of the Sun | 96.02% |
Apollo God Of The Sun 10 Win Ways | 95.05% |
Book of Ra | 94.26% |
Book of Ra – Temple of Gold | 95.28% |
Book of Ra Deluxe | 95.10% |
Book of Ra Deluxe 10 | 95.02% |
Book of Ra Deluxe 6 | 95.03% |
Book of Ra Magic | 95.03% |
Burning Wild | 95.18% |
Cash Connection Book of Ra | 95.00% |
Cash Connection Dolphin’s Pearl | 95.00% |
Cash Connection Sizzling Hot | 95.00% |
Chili Bomba | 95.20% |
Columbus Deluxe | 95.02% |
Diamond Link: Mighty Emperor | 95.00% |
Diamond Link: Mighty Santa | 95.00% |
Diamond Link: Mighty Sevens | 95.00% |
Diamond Link: Oasis Riches | 95.01% |
Dolphin’s Pearl Deluxe | 95.13% |
Dragon Blitz | 95.18% |
Eye of the Queen | 95.00% |
Fangbaozhu | 95.11% |
Feelin’ Fruity 10 | 96.02% |
Fruit King | 95.00% |
Haul of Hades: Super Spinner | 95.05% |
Joker Action 6 | 95.00% |
Just Jewels Deluxe | 95.42% |
Lone Star Jackpots | 95.14% |
Lord of the Ocean | 95.10% |
Lord of the Ocean Magic | 95.02% |
Lucky Lady’s Charm Deluxe 10 | 96.02% |
Lucky Ladys Charm Deluxe | 95.13% |
Lucky Spin Jackpots | 95.18% |
Mega Joker | 95.05% |
Myth of Medusa Gold | 95.00% |
Phoenix Fortune | 95.00% |
Plenty on Twenty | 95.61% |
Power Prizes – Noble Peacock | 95.00% |
Power Prizes Eternal Mandarin Ducks | 95.00% |
Power Prizes Royal Crane | 95.00% |
Power Stars | 95.54% |
Red Hot 20 | 95.00% |
Red Hot 40 | 95.00% |
Red Hot Burning | 95.00% |
Rising Tiger Sheng qi de Laohu | 95.11% |
Roaring Forties | 95.48% |
Santa’s Riches | 95.25% |
Seven Seas Jackpots | 95.18% |
Sevens Staxx | 95.16% |
Silver Trails | 95.15% |
Sizzling Hot 6 Extra Gold | 95.09% |
Sizzling Hot Deluxe | 95.66% |
Smugglers Gold | 95.15% |
Spooky Spells | 95.18% |
Star Supreme | 95.10% |
Top o’ the Money – Pots of Wealth | 95.16% |
Twin Spinner Book of Ra Deluxe | 95.10% |
Twin Spinner Sizzling Hot Deluxe | 95.00% |
Ultra Hot Deluxe | 95.17% |
Wild Lines: American Eagle | 95.00% |
Wild Ranger | 95.15% |
Wish Upon a Star | 95.18% |
10 Imperial Crown deluxe | 95.48% |
25 Red Hot 7 Clover Link | 95.00% |
40 Ferocious Fruits | 95.48% |
40 Imperial Crown | 95.48% |
40 Wild Fire 6 | 95.48% |
5 Line Bonus 21 | 95.00% |
50 Extreme Hot | 95.48% |
50 Red Hot 7 Clover Link | 94.55% |
BINGO STAXX Thunder Power | 95.13% |
Book of Ra deluxe 10 Win Ways | 95.15% |
Book of Ra deluxe Win Ways | 95.13% |
Cash Connection – Golden Book Of Ra | 95.00% |
Cash Connection – Voodoo Magic | 95.00% |
Charming Lady’s Boom | 95.00% |
Cherry Surprise | 94.53% |
Chilli El Toro | 95.12% |
Clash of Legends Battle Lines | 94.45% |
Cops ‘n’ Robbers Drop Shot deluxe | 95.04% |
Diamond Link Almighty Wolf | 95.01% |
Diamond Link Mighty Buffalo | 95.00% |
Diamond Link Mighty Elephant | 95.00% |
Diamond Link Oasis Riches | 95.01% |
Diamond Tales The Ugly Duckling | 95.01% |
Egyptian Underworld | 94.50% |
Feelin’ Fruity Win Ways | 96.07% |
Forever Hot | 95.48% |
Fortune Fishing | 95.00% |
Fruity Splasher | 95.25% |
Gems of Giza | 95.15% |
Goddess of Egypt | 95.12% |
Imperial Crown | 95.48% |
Joker Party 6 | 95.48% |
Lord of The Ocean 10 Win Ways | 95.15% |
Cyber Wildz | 94.99% |
The Little Mermaid Diamond Tales | 95.00% |
Mega Blaze | 95.48% |
Pots of Treasure Win Ways | 96.18% |
Diamond Link: Cops ‘n’ Robbers | 95.00% |
Juicy Riches | 95.26% |
Asgard Warriors | 95.50% |
Battle Maidens Cleopatra | 96.20% |
Blazing 777 | 95.00% |
Book of Loki | 95.80% |
Book of Merlin | 95.80% |
Book of the Undead | 95.80% |
Classic Fruits | 97.48% |
Coin Field | 97.00% |
Coin Vault | 97.00% |
Inca Idols | 96.00% |
MegaBlox 777 | 95.00% |
Queen of Embers | 96.20% |
Reel Diamonds | 96.00% |
Reel Fruits | 96.00% |
Sinister Circus | 96.15% |
Siren’s Kingdom | 96.18% |
Smoking Hot Fruits | 96.30% |
Smoking Hot Fruits 20 Lines | 95.00% |
Sparkling 777s | 96.03% |
Super Rainbow Megaways | 96.00% |
Triple Bar | 98.15% |
Virtual Football Pro | 95.05% |
Whisker Jones | 96.00% |
10 Burning Heart | 95.94% |
100 Burning Hot | 95.89% |
100 Cats | 96.03% |
100 Super Hot | 95.76% |
2 Dragons | 96.28% |
20 Burning Hot | 95.88% |
20 Dazzling Hot | 95.95% |
20 Diamonds | 95.79% |
20 Golden Coins | 95.50% |
20 Hot Blast | 95.87% |
20 Super Hot | 95.79% |
27 Wins | 95.96% |
30 Spicy Fruits | 95.80% |
40 Almighty Ramses II | 96.00% |
40 Burning Hot | 95.93% |
40 Burning Hot 6 Reels | 95.90% |
40 Hot and Cash | 95.75% |
40 Lucky King | 95.53% |
40 Mega Clover | 95.93% |
40 Super Hot | 95.81% |
5 Burning Heart | 95.94% |
5 Dazzling Hot | 95.74% |
5 Great Star | 95.96% |
50 Amazons Battle | 96.12% |
50 Horses | 96.11% |
Action Money | 96.94% |
Age of Troy | 96.01% |
Aloha Party | 96.15% |
Amazing Amazonia | 96.16% |
Amazons Battle | 96.17% |
Ancient Dynasty | 96.01% |
Aztec Glory | 96.23% |
Blue Heart | 96.03% |
Book of Magic | 96.09% |
Brave Cat | 96.18% |
Burning Hot | 96.45% |
Caramel Hot | 95.77% |
Casino Mania | 95.72% |
Cats Royal | 96.30% |
Circus Brilliant | 96.14% |
Coral Island | 96.22% |
Dark Queen | 96.04% |
Diamond Plus | 96.29% |
Dice and Roll | 95.76% |
Dragon Reborn | 96.22% |
Egypt Sky | 96.30% |
Extra Stars | 95.78% |
Extremely Hot | 95.74% |
Fast Money | 96.25% |
Flaming Hot | 95.53% |
Flaming Hot Extreme | 95.96% |
Forest Band | 96.10% |
Forest Tale | 96.36% |
Fortune Spells | 96.09% |
Frog Story | 95.87% |
Fruits Kingdom | 96.25% |
Game of Luck | 95.76% |
Genius of Leonardo | 96.19% |
Grace of Cleopatra | 96.23% |
Great 27 | 95.98% |
Great Adventure | 96.44% |
Great Empire | 96.11% |
Halloween | 96.04% |
Hot and Cash | 96.08% |
Inca Gold II | 96.19% |
Kangaroo Land | 96.16% |
Legendary Rome | 96.07% |
Lucky and Wild | 95.76% |
Lucky Hot | 95.32% |
Magellan | 96.14% |
Majestic Forest | 96.19% |
Mayan Spirit | 96.05% |
More Dice and Roll | 96.12% |
More Lucky and Wild | 96.00% |
Ocean Rush | 96.36% |
Oil Company II | 96.04% |
Olympus Glory | 96.23% |
Orient Story | 96.35% |
Penguin Style | 96.08% |
Queen of Rio | 96.28% |
Rainbow Queen | 96.03% |
Retro Style | 96.17% |
Rich World | 96.11% |
Rise of RA | 95.97% |
Route of Mexico | 96.29% |
Royal Secrets | 96.37% |
Secrets of Alchemy | 96.10% |
Shining Crown | 96.37% |
Spanish Passion | 96.08% |
Super 20 | 95.79% |
Supreme Hot | 96.24% |
The Big Journey | 96.06% |
The Explorers | 96.09% |
The Great Egypt | 96.25% |
The Secrets of London | 96.09% |
The Story of Alexander | 96.02% |
The White Wolf | 96.07% |
Ultimate Hot | 95.51% |
Vampire Night | 95.98% |
Versailles Gold | 96.09% |
Viking Rising | 95.42% |
Witches Charm | 95.97% |
Wonder Tree | 96.18% |
Wonderheart | 96.14% |
Zodiac Wheel | 96.45% |
100 Zombies | 96.00% |
2020 Hit Slot | 96.00% |
2021 Hit Slot | 96.00% |
3 Thunders | 96.00% |
7 Bonus Up | 96.00% |
Asgardians | 96.00% |
Book of Santa | 96.00% |
Buffalo 50 | 96.00% |
Chance Machine 100 | 96.00% |
Chance Machine 20 | 96.00% |
Football | 96.00% |
Gem Blast | 96.00% |
Golden Ox | 96.00% |
Hell Hot 100 | 96.00% |
Hell Hot 40 | 96.00% |
Joker Stoker | 96.00% |
Lucky Streak 1 | 96.00% |
Lucky Streak 2 | 96.00% |
Lucky Streak 3 | 96.00% |
Magnum Opus | 96.00% |
Minotaurus | 96.00% |
Mongol Treasure | 96.00% |
Red Cap | 96.00% |
Rooster Fury | 96.00% |
Royal Xmass | 96.00% |
Solar Eclipse | 96.00% |
Ultra Fresh | 96.00% |
Undines Deep | 96.00% |
Voodoo | 96.00% |
Water Tiger | 96.00% |
100k Joker | 95.05% |
10p Roulette | 97.30% |
10p Slot | 96.50% |
Age of Athena | 95.00% |
Banana Split | 88.00% |
Bonsai Spins | 96.00% |
Casino Solitaire | 99.49% |
Cheeky Fruits | 96.00% |
Cheeky Fruits 6 Deluxe | 95.00% |
Cheeky Fruits Split | 96.00% |
Christmas in Papertown | 95.35% |
Clover The Rainbow | 95.00% |
Eastern Gold | 95.00% |
Eastern Gold Deluxe | 95.00% |
Elite of Evil Portal of Gold | 97.50% |
Epic Crystal | 96.15% |
Fishing Trawler | 95.70% |
Ho Ho Ho | 96.50% |
Indi | 95.63% |
Legend Of Perseus | 96.19% |
Lucky Lions: Wild Life | 92.38% |
Novibet European Roulette | 97.30% |
Novibet Retro Solitaire | 99.49% |
Noviladies Retro Solitaire | 99.49% |
Pizza Time | 96.15% |
Psycho Candies | 97.50% |
The Good The Bad and The Ugly | 95.00% |
Tomb of the King | 96.50% |
Vegans Vs Vampires | 95.00% |
Vomiting Unicorns | 96.50% |
Wild Herd | 95.00% |
Zeldar’s Fortunes | 95.20% |
Epic Crystal Deluxe | 96.03% |
Retropia | 88.00% |
100,000 Pyramid | 95.03% |
7s Wild | 96.07% |
Book of the Sphinx | 96.24% |
Cash Eruption | 96.00% |
Cash Melon | 96.10% |
Cleopatra | 95.02% |
Cleopatra Gold | 95.97% |
Cleopatra II | 95.89% |
Cleopatra Plus | 96.50% |
Da Vinci Diamonds | 94.94% |
Elephant King | 96.00% |
Fortunes of Egypt | 96.27% |
Ghostbusters Plus | 92.91% |
Golden Goddess | 96.00% |
Griffins Throne | 96.05% |
Icy Wilds | 96.15% |
Irish Magic | 96.02% |
It’s Magic | 96.19% |
Kitty Glitter | 94.92% |
Lion Dance | 96.00% |
Maya Gold | 95.59% |
Mistress of Egypt | 96.20% |
Pixies Of The Forest | 94.90% |
Scarab | 96.00% |
SimsalaSpinn 2 | 96.56% |
Skadis Hunt | 96.18% |
Solar Disc | 96.01% |
Sphinx Wild | 96.18% |
Temple of Fire | 96.00% |
Treasure Box Kingdom | 96.02% |
Treasure Hunt | 96.00% |
Triple Diamond | 95.06% |
Wheel of Fortune Triple Gold Spin | 96.00% |
1 Million Megaways BC | 96.20% |
3D European Roulette | 97.30% |
Astro Newts Megaways | 95.90% |
Blood Queen | 96.07% |
Christmas Megaways | 96.20% |
Crown of Avalon | 96.00% |
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde | 95.60% |
Dwarven Gems Megaways | 96.70% |
Jesters Wilds | 95.00% |
Megaways Jack | 96.10% |
Novibet Christmas Megaways | 96.20% |
Novibet Megaways | 96.20% |
Noviladies Megaways | 96.20% |
Pirate Kingdom Megaways | 96.20% |
Rainbow Wilds | 96.00% |
Rainbow Wilds Megaways | 95.82% |
Robbin Robin | 96.40% |
Rock the Reels Megaways | 96.70% |
Solar Nova | 96.00% |
The Choice is Yours Megaways | 94.00% |
Wolf Strike | 94.00% |
3 Hit Pay | 95.41% |
Aztec Gold Megaways | 95.99% |
Aztec Gold Mines | 98.88% |
Aztec Gold: Extra Gold Megaways | 95.98% |
Baccarat | 85.56% |
Blackjack | 99.64% |
Blackjack Royal Pairs | 93.72% |
Book of Immortals | 93.31% |
Book of Sheba | 96.00% |
Bounty Belles | 95.99% |
Brides of Dracula | 95.50% |
Brilliant Diamonds Hold and Win | 96.90% |
Colossus Hold and Win | 94.10% |
Crabbin Crazy | 96.05% |
Deuces Wild | 96.85% |
Diamond Heist | 96.00% |
Dragon Match Megaways | 95.99% |
Egyptian King | 96.32% |
Euphoria | 95.99% |
Fishin for Gold | 96.05% |
Fu Fortunes Megaways | 96.03% |
Gladiators Go Wild | 96.06% |
Gold Digger | 96.00% |
Gold Digger Megaways | 95.98% |
Golden Buffalo Double Up | 96.00% |
Golden Gallina | 96.00% |
Golden Jokers Double Up | 96.00% |
Greta Goes Wild | 96.00% |
Hot Shots 2 | 96.00% |
Hot Spin | 96.00% |
Hot Spin Deluxe | 96.00% |
Hot Spin Hot Link | 96.02% |
Joker Poker | 95.82% |
Jumbo Stampede | 95.94% |
Kings of Gold | 95.14% |
Lanterns And Lions | 96.00% |
Majestic Gold Megaways | 96.17% |
Majestic Megaways | 96.11% |
Merlin’s Magic Mirror | 95.96% |
Merlins Revenge Megaways | 96.00% |
Mighty Stallion Hold & Win | 96.00% |
Moon Spirit Hold And Win | 96.00% |
Morgana Megaways | 95.98% |
Moriarty Megaways | 95.98% |
Musketeer Megaways | 95.99% |
Neptune’s Fortune Megaways | 96.03% |
Outback Gold Hold And Win | 96.00% |
Pearl Legend: Hold & Win | 96.00% |
Phantasmic Fortunes | 95.98% |
Pinata Fiesta | 96.00% |
Plunderin Pirates | 96.00% |
Prosperity Ox | 95.94% |
Punto Banco | 98.76% |
Queen of Wonderland Megaways | 96.03% |
Racetrack Riches | 95.96% |
Raging Dragons | 96.00% |
Raging Reindeer | 95.94% |
Red Dog | 97.20% |
Rising Samurai | 95.98% |
Royale with Cheese Megaways | 95.98% |
Scrolls Of Ra HD | 95.71% |
Scrooge Megaways | 95.98% |
Sea of Riches | 96.00% |
Secrets of the Sorcerer | 95.96% |
Sheriff of Nottingham | 96.00% |
Shining King Megaways | 96.11% |
Super Diamond Wild | 95.66% |
Super Reel Spin it Hot | 96.00% |
The Fortune Pig | 95.14% |
The Magic Orb | 95.94% |
The Nutcracker | 95.97% |
The Ruby Megaways | 96.11% |
Thunder Shields | 96.00% |
Triple Fruit Deluxe Megaways | 96.14% |
Tyrant King Megaways | 95.99% |
Van Der Wilde And The Outlaws | 96.00% |
Western Gold Megaways | 95.98% |
Wild Ape | 96.01% |
Wishing Wheel | 96.00% |
100 Joker Staxx | 96.48% |
40 Joker Staxx | 96.42% |
5 Fortunator | 96.25% |
5 Super Sevens & Fruits | 95.89% |
Book del Sol | 95.94% |
Book of Gold: Classic | 95.50% |
Book of Gold: Multichance | 95.40% |
Book of Gold:Double Chance | 95.06% |
Buffalo Power Christmas | 95.04% |
Buffalo Power Hold and Win | 95.04% |
Buffalo Power Megaways | 95.84% |
Burning Fortunator | 96.21% |
Burning Wins | 96.21% |
Diamond Fortunator | 95.60% |
Burning Wins X2 | 95.98% |
Diamond Wins: Hold and Win | 95.52% |
Divine Dragon Hold And Win | 95.56% |
Eagle Power Hold and Win | 95.04% |
Fruits & Jokers: 100 lines | 96.46% |
Fruits & Jokers:20 lines | 96.51% |
Fruits & Jokers:40 lines | 96.40% |
Hand of Gold | 95.17% |
Hot Burning Wins | 96.00% |
Hot Coins Hold and Win | 95.61% |
Imperial Fruits: 100 lines | 96.42% |
Imperial Fruits: 40 lines | 96.46% |
Imperial Fruits: 5 lines | 96.71% |
Jokers Coins Hold and Win | 95.71% |
Juice Inc | 95.00% |
Legend of Cleopatra Megaways | 95.84% |
Lion Gems Hold and Win | 95.55% |
Royal Coins | 95.63% |
Sevens & Fruits | 96.31% |
Sevens & Fruits: 20 Lines | 96.31% |
Solar King | 95.59% |
Solar Queen | 95.78% |
Solar Queen Megaways | 95.80% |
Solar Temple | 95.22% |
Spirit of Egypt | 95.43% |
Sunny Fruits Hold and Win | 95.05% |
Super Sunny Fruits | 95.70% |
Wolf Power Hold and Win | 95.04% |
Wolf Power Megaways | 96.00% |
Luxor Gold Hold And Win | 95.76% |
Ruby Hit Hold And Win | 95.55% |
Alchemy Ways | 95.30% |
Blackjack Atlantic City | 99.54% |
Blackjack Double Exposure | 99.04% |
Blackjack European | 99.34% |
Blackjack Fast | 99.00% |
Blackjack Switch | 99.92% |
Blackjack Vegas Strip | 99.78% |
Blackjack VIP | 99.78% |
Caribbean Treasure | 95.70% |
Carnival in Rio | 88.55% |
Crypt of the Vampires | 95.30% |
Disco Nights | 93.97% |
Electric Sevens | 95.10% |
Forest Fairies | 95.80% |
Frenzy Discs | 98.50% |
Judges Rule The Show | 95.30% |
Lady Forest | 96.00% |
Little Red Riding Hood | 95.60% |
Longmu and the Dragons | 95.40% |
Lucky Wheel | 94.30% |
Max Dangerous and the Lost Relics | 95.30% |
Medusa Hunt | 95.30% |
Mega Money | 91.82% |
Megastellar | 95.00% |
Million 88 | 95.30% |
Million Dracula | 95.30% |
Million Dracula 2 | 95.30% |
Million Sevens | 95.40% |
Million Zeus | 96.00% |
Montecarlo Glamour | 95.50% |
Muertitos | 95.93% |
Myrtle the Witch | 95.00% |
Mysteries of Egypt | 95.50% |
Nefertitis Riches | 95.30% |
OBryans Funland | 95.30% |
Pharaohs tomb | 90.96% |
Planet 67 | 86.91% |
Ragin Buffalo | 94.99% |
Red Dragon VS Blue Dragon | 94.70% |
Respins & Diamonds | 95.51% |
Retro | 95.20% |
Riches of Camelot | 95.40% |
Rome | 95.30% |
Roulette VIP | 97.30% |
Ryan oBryan | 95.20% |
Super 10 Stars | 94.20% |
Super 12 Stars | 95.30% |
Super 15 Stars | 95.30% |
Super 20 Stars | 95.40% |
Super 5 Stars | 95.40% |
The Asp of Cleopatra | 95.20% |
The gold of Poseidon | 93.48% |
The Legendary Red Dragon | 95.00% |
The park of Zoltan | 87.10% |
The Secret of the Opera | 95.60% |
The Sherlock Files | 95.80% |
Tommy Guns Vendetta | 95.30% |
Travel with us | 91.38% |
Ultra Burst | 95.40% |
Ways of the Samurai | 95.40% |
Wildcano | 96.30% |
World Football | 94.37% |
Atlantis Gold | 95.80% |
Book of Baal | 96.26% |
Gold Digger Mines | 96.00% |
Clover The Rainbow Deluxe | 95.00% |
Desert Riches | 95.89% |
El Patron | 95.80% |
Great Bear | 96.07% |
Apes of Doom | 96.00% |
Book of Adventure | 96.21% |
Book of Adventure Super Stake | 96.21% |
Book of Anubis | 95.45% |
Book of Cleopatra | 96.21% |
Book of Cleopatra Super Stake | 96.70% |
Burning Scatters | 95.82% |
Candy Links Bonanza | 96.03% |
Candy Wild Bonanza Hold and Spin | 95.81% |
Candyways Bonanza 2 Megaways | 95.80% |
Candyways Bonanza Megaways | 96.01% |
Classic Joker 5 Reels | 98.00% |
Dracula | 95.60% |
Dynamite Strike | 95.94% |
El Dorado | 96.01% |
Encharmed Quattro | 96.14% |
Freaky Friday Fixed Symbols | 95.83% |
Fruit Storm | 96.50% |
Giant’s Fortune Megaways | 96.00% |
Hot 7 Hold & Spin | 95.30% |
Joker Wild Blaster | 95.98% |
Joker Wild Respin | 93.80% |
Marlin Catch | 96.50% |
Mayan Rush | 96.05% |
Might of Zeus | 96.56% |
Phoenix Queen | 96.08% |
Pyramid Strike | 95.80% |
Runner Runner Popwins | 96.50% |
Serengeti Wilds | 96.00% |
Space Stallion | 96.11% |
Star Wild Blaster | 95.98% |
Super Wild Blaster | 95.89% |
The Book | 96.70% |
Twin Joker | 97.79% |
Viking Smash | 95.60% |
Voodoo Reels | 96.49% |
Wild Stallion | 95.05% |
Wild Stockings | 95.50% |
Wild Wild Bass | 96.01% |
Wonderland Wilds | 95.60% |
243 Mexicana | 96.01% |
6 Fruits | 88.00% |
6 Fruits Deluxe | 95.00% |
8 Flowers | 96.07% |
81 Vegas Multi Fruits | 88.02% |
81st Cabaret | 98.03% |
88 Pearls | 94.83% |
Aladdin and The Golden Palace | 96.17% |
Alchemists Gold | 95.00% |
Amazons Wonders | 96.18% |
Armed n Wild | 96.02% |
Blazing Ice | 95.00% |
Book of Secrets | 96.05% |
Book of Secrets 6 | 96.02% |
Buffalo Hunt | 96.06% |
Corsair Queen | 95.95% |
Diamondz | 96.15% |
Dice Rush | 95.00% |
Dicey Fruits | 96.08% |
Dolphins Wild Ride | 88.00% |
Double Hot | 96.07% |
Dragons of Fortune | 96.04% |
Easter Fortune | 97.93% |
Fire Witch | 96.01% |
Firebird Double 27 | 96.09% |
Flip the Chip | 96.01% |
Fruit Awards | 95.00% |
Fruiti | 96.00% |
Fruiti X | 96.28% |
Fruiti XL | 96.08% |
Fruiti XX | 96.06% |
Fruiti XXL | 96.01% |
Fruits Go Multiply | 88.07% |
Fruits n Fire | 96.19% |
Fruity Gold | 96.20% |
Fruity Gold 81 | 95.00% |
Gem-O-Rama | 95.00% |
Goblinions | 95.95% |
Golden Myth | 95.00% |
Grand Gems | 88.00% |
Harlequin Dice | 96.00% |
Hell Bars | 96.06% |
Hell Fruits | 96.00% |
Hell Mania | 95.00% |
Hot Africa | 96.07% |
Hunters Spirit | 93.15% |
Jack and the Mystery Monsters | 96.20% |
Jewels Fortune | 96.00% |
Joker 40 | 95.76% |
Joker 5 | 96.00% |
Joker 50 Deluxe | 96.24% |
Jokers Five | 96.04% |
Lucky Elements | 95.98% |
Lucky Pot | 95.00% |
Masters of Eclipse | 96.00% |
Mirror Shield | 95.63% |
Monkey Slots | 96.00% |
Moonlight Fortune | 95.00% |
Mysterious Atlantis | 96.24% |
Neon Fever | 96.05% |
Pixel Reels | 88.14% |
Reel Sheriff | 96.13% |
Respin Joker | 95.00% |
Respin Joker 81 | 88.03% |
Rich Pirates | 88.00% |
Rock n Roll Rooster | 95.84% |
Skull Bonanza | 85.10% |
Solar God | 95.00% |
Sync Spin | 96.11% |
The Wild Job | 96.07% |
Vampire Bride | 96.00% |
Wild Blooms | 96.00% |
Wild Circus 256 | 96.00% |
Wild Warp | 95.00% |
Zeus Wild Thunder | 88.00% |
9 Burning Dragons | 96.12% |
9 Coins | 96.06% |
9 Lions | 96.59% |
9 Tigers | 96.15% |
Bars & 7s | 96.43% |
Black Hawk Deluxe | 96.47% |
Black Horse | 96.07% |
Black Horse Deluxe | 96.23% |
Burning Reels | 96.63% |
Burning Stars 3 | 96.15% |
Butterfly Lovers | 96.16% |
Captain Shark | 96.25% |
Choco Reels | 96.22% |
Clover Lady | 96.21% |
Colin the Cat | 96.10% |
Corrida Romance Deluxe | 96.33% |
Dino Reels 81 | 96.44% |
Double Tigers | 96.43% |
Dracula’s Castle | 96.56% |
Dragons Lucky 8 | 96.60% |
Dwarfs Fortune | 96.16% |
Fenix Play 27 Deluxe | 96.25% |
Fenix Play Deluxe | 96.44% |
Football Mania Deluxe | 96.59% |
Fortune Reels | 96.15% |
Fruit Mania Deluxe | 96.51% |
Fruits Go Bananas | 96.34% |
Gem Splitter | 96.27% |
Gold Roulette | 97.30% |
Great Book of Magic Deluxe | 96.47% |
Highschool Manga | 96.41% |
Highway to Hell Deluxe | 96.56% |
Hot 777 Deluxe | 96.45% |
Hot Slot 777 Crown | 96.47% |
In The Forest | 96.63% |
Infinity Hero | 96.24% |
Jack on Hold | 96.40% |
Jack’s Ride | 96.40% |
Jelly Reels | 96.22% |
Juicy Reels | 96.49% |
Jumping Fruits | 96.40% |
Larry the Leprechaun | 96.47% |
Los Muertos | 96.29% |
Lucky 9 | 96.11% |
Lucky Reels | 96.60% |
Magic Eggs | 96.41% |
Magic Fruits 4 Deluxe | 96.10% |
Magic Fruits Deluxe | 96.41% |
Magic Hot 4 Deluxe | 96.10% |
Magic of the Ring Deluxe | 96.47% |
Magic Spins | 96.17% |
Magic Stars 3 | 96.50% |
Magic Stars 5 | 96.42% |
Magic Stars 6 | 96.49% |
Magic Stars 9 | 96.21% |
Magic Target Deluxe | 96.63% |
Mayan Ritual | 96.29% |
Midnight in Tokyo | 96.16% |
Mystery Jack Deluxe | 96.49% |
Neon City | 92.54% |
Power of Gods Hades | 96.14% |
Power of Gods Medusa | 94.38% |
Power of Gods The Pantheon | 96.20% |
Power of Gods: Egypt | 96.12% |
Prosperity Pearls | 96.15% |
Reel Hero | 96.22% |
Reel Joke | 96.20% |
Relic Hunters and the Book of Faith | 95.06% |
Sizzling 777 Deluxe | 96.42% |
Sizzling Eggs Collect to Infinity | 96.12% |
Sizzling Moon | 96.14% |
Sonic Reels | 96.24% |
Space Spins | 96.66% |
Spectrum | 96.53% |
Sun of Fortune | 96.15% |
Telly Reels | 96.19% |
Unicorn Reels | 96.14% |
Valhalla | 96.47% |
Wild Guns | 96.34% |
Wild Jack | 96.25% |
12 Super Hot Diamonds | 96.25% |
Aesir Treasures | 96.25% |
Alice Riches | 96.25% |
Bier Party | 96.26% |
Bloodshot Rising Spirit | 96.23% |
Book of Enchantments | 96.24% |
Book of Itza | 96.44% |
Dogwood Magic | 96.22% |
Dragons of the North | 95.00% |
Dragons of the North Deluxe | 96.00% |
Dragons of the North Megaways | 96.28% |
Emerald of Oz | 96.21% |
Epic Riches | 96.25% |
Faith | 96.44% |
Fishermans Bounty | 96.00% |
Fishermans Bounty Deluxe | 96.23% |
Flaming 7s | 96.00% |
Force of the Gods | 95.99% |
Fortune Dragon | 97.02% |
Fruity Friends | 97.00% |
Goddess of Fortunes | 96.26% |
Gods of Kemet | 96.00% |
Golds Guardian | 96.27% |
Grand Loot | 96.22% |
Hot Hot 777s | 96.00% |
Hot Wild 7s | 96.25% |
Hula Magic | 96.10% |
Ice Ice Hockey | 96.60% |
Jack In The Box | 95.98% |
Jackpot Fortunes | 96.00% |
Jacks Treasure | 96.98% |
Jade King | 96.35% |
Jingle Wins | 96.18% |
Joker Joker | 97.00% |
Jonny Ventura and The Eye of Ra | 96.49% |
King Koko Quest | 96.24% |
King of The Trident | 96.02% |
King of the Trident Deluxe | 96.25% |
Lucky Vegas | 95.98% |
Luxor | 95.95% |
Mystery Fox | 96.70% |
Mystery Fox Christmas Party | 96.25% |
Mystic Manor | 95.96% |
Parrot’s Gold | 95.00% |
Phoenix Gold | 97.00% |
Phoenix Kingdom | 96.24% |
Pot O Gold | 97.00% |
Power Strike Super Spin | 96.24% |
Rio Fever | 96.00% |
Rumble Rhino | 95.00% |
Rumble Rhino Megaways | 96.16% |
Scrolls of Aphrodite | 88.17% |
Spin N Hit | 96.00% |
Spirit of Mustang | 96.23% |
Stallion Fortunes | 96.24% |
Super Hot Joker | 95.25% |
Teddys Tavern | 95.99% |
The Good, The Bad and The Wild | 96.02% |
The Thunderer | 96.96% |
Tiger Emperor | 96.23% |
Titan’s Riches | 96.23% |
Torros Gold | 96.97% |
Viking Glory | 95.00% |
Wild Candy | 96.00% |
Wild Fortunes | 96.25% |
Wild Fruits Super Wheel | 96.24% |
Wild Wild Pistols | 96.60% |
Wolf Riches | 95.99% |
4 Fantastic Fish | 96.00% |
Arrr 10K Ways | 96.10% |
Bananaz 10k Ways | 96.10% |
Boilin Pots | 96.00% |
Cazino Zeppelin Reloaded | 96.00% |
Dead Mans Fingers | 95.15% |
Eye of Persia 2 | 96.00% |
Golden Fish Tank 2 Gigablox | 96.00% |
Hades Gigablox | 96.00% |
Jokrz Wild UltraNudge | 96.10% |
Lollipop | 95.80% |
Megapearl Gigablox | 95.00% |
Multifly | 96.30% |
Raptor Doublemax | 96.01% |
Super Cash Drop Gigablox | 95.50% |
Tempered Steel | 96.00% |
Tiki Runner 2 Doublemax | 95.50% |
Time Machine | 95.50% |
Valley of the Gods | 96.20% |
Valley of the Gods 2 | 96.00% |
Vault of Fortune | 96.00% |
Vikings Go Berzerk | 96.10% |
Vikings Go Berzerk Reloaded | 96.00% |
Vikings Go To Valhalla | 96.00% |
Xibalba | 96.10% |
Wild Moon Saloon | 96.00% |
12 Super Hot Diamonds Extreme | 96.00% |
Quest | 95.20% |
Power Of Gods Valhalla | 96.15% |
Ultra Fortunator Hold And Win | 95.55% |
Mega Cash Stacks | 96.00% |
Secrets of Sherwood | 96.26% |
Taboo | 96.00% |
2022 Hit Slot | 96.00% |
Lucky Cloverland | 96.00% |
Dwarf Riches | 96.00% |
4 Secret Pyramids | 95.00% |
Imperial Wars | 96.14% |
Venezia Doro | 96.25% |
Smoking Hot Fruits Stacks | 95.00% |
Amun Ra King of the Gods | 96.00% |
27th Cabaret | 98.02% |
Royal Coins 2 Hold And Win | 95.64% |
Loaded 7s | 96.00% |
Lucky Adam | 95.30% |
Twerk | 96.00% |
Dragon Reels | 96.44% |
Volcano Wealth | 94.24% |
Eagle Strike | 96.00% |
Serendipity Deluxe 6 | 95.76% |
Book Hotfire | 96.10% |
Mega Rich | 95.40% |
Solomon: The King | 95.30% |
2 Kings of Africa | 96.00% |
Burning Chilli | 95.30% |
Flamingo Paradise | 95.30% |
Fruits N Jars | 95.30% |
Guardian of Ra | 95.30% |
Guardians of Luxor | 95.40% |
Hot and Win | 95.40% |
Wild One | 95.00% |
Professor Clanks Combinator | 96.10% |
Dublin Up Doublemax | 95.50% |
MexoMax | 96.00% |
Sizzling Kingdom Bison | 96.12% |
Super 25 Stars | 95.30% |
El Cowboy Megaways | 96.20% |
Alice Mega Riches | 96.13% |
9 Pyramids of Fortune | 96.13% |
Extreme Megaways | 95.60% |
Hola Frutas | 96.52% |
Hot Chilliways | 96.08% |
Joker Drop | 96.01% |
Old Fellow | 95.60% |
Ultra Joker | 96.04% |
Fruits Gone Wild Supreme | 96.04% |
Jade of the Jungle | 95.30% |
Wild Buzz | 94.10% |
81 Joker Fruits | 98.02% |
Bulky Fruits | 96.85% |
Midway Money | 96.00% |
Waterblox Gibablox | 96.00% |
Hells Hogs | 95.60% |
Hypernova 10k Ways | 96.20% |
Coctail Rush | 96.41% |
Gods of Asgard Megaways | 96.70% |
Bier Haus Riches | 96.45% |
9 Burning Stars | 96.14% |
Tropical Bonanza | 95.98% |
Zicke Zacke | 96.22% |
Of Sabers and Monsters | 96.00% |
Pirate Sharky | 96.10% |
Hillbilly Vegas | 95.50% |
Monsters VS Gigablox | 95.50% |
Hot Zone Wild | 95.96% |
MonkeyPop | 96.30% |
Towers of Olympus | 96.36% |
Dragonfire Chamber of Gold Hold and Win | 96.00% |
Treasures of Fire | 95.51% |
Vikings Journey | 95.40% |
9 Coins 1000 Edition | 96.14% |
Cash Express | 95.80% |
Book of Secrets Extra | 97.87% |
Wheel of Fortune Elegant Emeralds | 96.15% |
Hot Slot Magic Bombs | 96.17% |
Blood Rage | 95.05% |
Fortune of Camelot | 95.84% |
Starsign Clusters | 97.50% |
Wild Duel | 96.10% |
Voodoo Hex | 96.00% |
Cyber Wolf | 96.05% |
Buffalo Blox Gigablox | 95.00% |
Midway Money | 96.00% |
Platinum Roulette | 97.30% |
Awww so Cute | 96.00% |
Stars n Sweets Hold and Win | 96.00% |
Ninja | 96.02% |
Devils Trap | 96.26% |
Respin Joker 243 | 98.03% |
Hot Deco | 96.33% |
Of Sabers and Monsters | 96.00% |
Novibet Gold Digger Megaways | 95.98% |
Novibet Musketeer Megaways | 95.99% |
Madame Voodoo | 96.00% |
Aztec Wilds Megaways | 94.36% |
Sheriff of Nottingham 2 | 96.00% |
Firebird 27 | 95.96% |
Tiki Goddess | 95.30% |
Wheel of Fortune Power Wedges | 96.11% |
Multi Joker | 96.20% |
Hit the Bank Hold and Win | 95.21% |
90K Yeti Gigablox | 95.50% |
Sweet Dream | 95.96% |
Delicious Candy Popwins | 95.80% |
Mayan Multi Mayhem | 95.98% |
Hot Shots Mines | 94.00% |
Rum and Raiders | 96.00% |
Triple Hot Ice | 96.15% |
Pirate Chest Hold And Win | 95.66% |
Hot Slot Magic Pearls | 96.15% |
World Cup Roulette Platinum | 97.30% |
Regal Riches | 96.27% |
Santas Fortune | 96.00% |
Leprechauns Luck Emporium | 96.22% |
Outlaws Hunter | 95.97% |
Hot Shots Megaways | 95.98% |
Boom Time | 96.00% |
Thors Egg Hunt | 97.50% |
Joker Diamond | 95.99% |
Santa Express | 96.17% |
Million 777 Wheel | 95.30% |
Fruity Time | 96.46% |
Calavera Crush | 96.00% |
Christmas Gold Digger | 96.00% |
Xmas Secret | 96.07% |
Mammoth Peak Hold and Win | 95.10% |
Snowy Secrets | 94.92% |
3 Jokers | 95.80% |
Christmas Plaza DoubleMax | 96.00% |
Arctic Sorcerer Gigablox | 96.20% |
Champion of the Underworld | 96.00% |
Jekyllz Wild Ultranudge | 96.00% |
Raging Pop | 96.00% |
Empress Charm | 96.27% |
Megablox Pyramids | 95.00% |
Naughty Nik | 96.00% |
Diamond Stacker Multipays | 96.24% |
El Diablo | 95.00% |
Origins | 96.03% |
Fire Spell | 95.82% |
Million Christmas | 95.30% |
Drop the Wilds | 95.00% |
Revved Wilds | 95.12% |
Riches of Rumpelstiltskin Megaways | 96.01% |
Boomerang Jacks Lost Mines | 95.30% |
Santas Gift | 96.00% |
Gold o Clock | 96.17% |
Hook Em Up Frenzy | 95.99% |
Bull Dozer | 96.00% |
Tales of Silver Megaways | 96.11% |
Aladdin and the Magic Carpet | 95.97% |
Gods of Secrecy | 96.36% |
Gods VS Gigablox | 96.00% |
Firekick Multimax | 96.00% |
William Tell and The Wild Arrows | 96.00% |
Cash Eruption Fa Cai Shu | 96.00% |
Legends of the Colosseum | 96.12% |
3 Fruits Win Double Hit | 95.56% |
Drops of Water | 96.62% |
Kamakura | 95.98% |
Wandering Wild | 96.06% |
Florageddon | 96.00% |
7 Gold Gigablox | 96.00% |
CherryPop Deluxe | 96.00% |
Sultans Palace Fortune | 96.00% |
Star Staxx | 95.98% |
Feeding Fury | 96.11% |
Spinberry Wilds | 95.15% |
Circus Riches | 95.15% |
Icy Fruits 10 | 95.13% |
Neon Villains Doublemax | 96.00% |
Cannonade | 96.00% |
Dragon Blox Gigablox | 95.90% |
Candy Palace | 96.45% |
All About The Wilds | 95.00% |
Reel Crown Hold and Win | 95.50% |
Power of Love | 96.00% |
Find the Diamonds | 94.00% |
Lady Merlin Multimax | 95.40% |
3 Fruits win: 10 Lines Adjacent | 96.60% |
Shocking Fruits | 95.00% |
Fury of Hyde Megaways | 96.00% |
9 Pearls of Fortune | 96.00% |
Princess Celina and the Frog | 96.07% |
Pharaohs Gaze Doublemax | 96.00% |
Fruits and Gold | 96.85% |
Treasure Box Dynasty | 96.09% |
Age of Olympus Apollo | 95.40% |
Treasures of Ra | 96.01% |
Double Lucky Mushrooms Doublemax | 95.50% |
Desperate Dawgs 2 Gigablox | 95.50% |
Festival 10K Ways | 96.20% |
Dungeon Tower | 96.00% |
Winterberries 2 | 96.00% |
Bozo Cats | 96.31% |
Wild Streak | 96.00% |
Eldorado | 96.00% |
3 Lucky Leprechauns | 96.00% |
Thors Hammer Strike | 96.00% |
Red Hot Cherry | 95.97% |
Red Hot Cherry | 95.97% |
Irish Wilds | 94.15% |
Royal Joker Hold and Win | 95.62% |
Book of Books | 96.10% |
Coins of Luck | 96.13% |
Bugs Money | 95.50% |
Blazing Planets | 95.14% |
Big Bucks Buffalo Gigablox | 96.00% |
Power Hot | 96.55% |
20 Bulky Fruits | 96.42% |
Cleopatra Grand | 96.10% |
E Force | 96.00% |
Bring in the Fish | 96.07% |
Big Size Fishin | 95.30% |
Spartans vs Zombies | 96.29% |
Ice Heist | 94.92% |
Ramses Legacy | 95.30% |
Multi Bricks | 96.08% |
Crabbin Crazy 2 | 95.93% |
The Funky Boombox | 96.23% |
Money Train 2 | 98.00% |
Banana Town | 96.12% |
Book of 99 | 99.00% |
Cluster Tumble | 96.40% |
Hellcatraz | 96.83% |
Iron Bank | 96.20% |
Midnight Marauder | 96.87% |
Santas Stack | 96.27% |
Snake Arena | 96.25% |
Space Miners | 96.47% |
TNT Tumble | 96.11% |
Top Dawg$ | 96.10% |
Wild Chapo | 96.36% |
Blackjack | 99.60% |
Roulette | 97.30% |
Gold Fever | 96.00% |
Greedy Fox | 96.00% |
3 Secret Cities | 98.00% |
6 Wild Sharks | 96.50% |
7 Elements | 95.50% |
9k Kong in Vegas | 96.00% |
Elemento | 96.33% |
Flower Fortunes Supreme | 95.88% |
Heroes Hunt 2 | 96.49% |
Magikspell | 96.08% |
Hades River of Souls | 96.56% |
Medallion Megaways | 96.13% |
Giganimals GigaBlox | 96.00% |
Olympus Hades Megaways | 95.95% |
Lumber Jack | 96.00% |
Giza Nights Hold and Win | 95.96% |
HelioPOPolis | 96.00% |
Texas Tea | 96.20% |
Hyper Respins | 96.01% |
Heavy Metal Wilds | 91.13% |
Shuriken Legend | 94.92% |
Mighty Sparta | 96.04% |
Moonlight Fortune 50 | 98.01% |
Wild Hammer Megaways | 95.78% |
Lots of Likes | 96.12% |
Book of Eternal Romance | 96.04% |
Crystal Skull | 96.00% |
The Emirate 2 | 96.00% |
The Vampires 2 | 96.00% |
Coin Strike Hold and Win | 95.66% |
Buffalo on Fire | 95.30% |
Temple Tumble Megaways | 96.25% |
Beast Mode | 96.32% |
Money Train | 96.20% |
Templar Tumble | 96.25% |
Dead Mans Trail | 96.29% |
Big X | 96.00% |
Clover Fortunes | 95.00% |
Wild Buccaneers Megaways | 95.32% |
Out of the Ice | 96.55% |
Royal Potato | 96.29% |
Book of Destiny | 96.50% |
Euphoria Megaways | 96.00% |
10 Hot Hotfire | 96.00% |
Lightning Spell | 96.00% |
Nice Catch Doublemax | 96.10% |
Barbarossa Doublemax | 96.00% |
Fruit Combinator | 96.10% |
Olympus Raging Megaways | 96.07% |
Cool Catch | 96.15% |
20 Power Hot | 96.44% |
Buffalo Power 2 Hold and Win | 95.44% |
Tiki Princess | 88.23% |
Diamond Fever | 95.83% |
Devour the Weak | 96.00% |
Great Aztec | 96.01% |
Mystic Spirits | 95.10% |
Royal Fortunator | 95.64% |
Dyn A Miners | 96.53% |
Cash Eruption Fa Cai Shu | 96.00% |
Great Bear | 96.07% |
4 Fantastic Fish in Egypt | 96.00% |
Orcas Wild Bonanza | 95.90% |
Declaration of Spindependence | 96.00% |
Zombie Apopalypse | 96.00% |
The Legend of Musashi | 96.10% |
Rainbow Power Potz Ultranudge | 96.10% |
Fruit Gemz Splitz | 95.51% |
Dragon Lore Gigarise | 96.00% |
Jokrz Wild Ultranudge Gigablox | 96.10% |
Ragnawolves | 96.10% |
Pushy Cats | 96.00% |
Money Mariachi Infinity Reels | 96.19% |
Big Benji Bonanza | 95.50% |
Achilles | 94.99% |
60 Second Heist | 96.00% |
Cash Lab Megaways | 95.99% |
Wild Wood Buffalo | 96.00% |
Magic Guardians | 96.02% |
Cache Rush | 96.39% |
10x Minimum | 93.23% |
La Mafia Heist | 96.00% |
Empire Gold Hold and Win | 95.76% |
Money Train 3 | 94.00% |
Polar Wilds | 96.12% |
Starfire Fortunes | 96.00% |
Diamond Symphony Doublemax | 96.00% |
Candy Finity | 96.00% |
Dead Riders Trail | 96.20% |
40 Bulky Fruits | 96.32% |
Super Wild 27 | 96.08% |
Knights Of Avalon | 95.69% |
Red Hot BBQ | 95.66% |
Reel Keeper Power Reels | 95.73% |
Sheep Gone Wild | 95.72% |
Wrigleys World | 95.71% |
Gods of Troy | 96.00% |
Gonzo’s Quest Megaways | 96.00% |
Gonzitas Quest | 96.00% |
Narcos Mexico | 96.00% |
Primate King | 96.00% |
Piggy Riches Megaways | 96.00% |
Shadow Society | 96.00% |
10001 Nights Megaways | 96.00% |
Ancient Disco | 95.74% |
Blood Suckers MegaWays | 97.66% |
Cash or Nothing | 96.00% |
Big Cat Rescue Megaways | 96.00% |
Dynamite Riches Megaways | 96.00% |
Flodder | 96.00% |
Cake and Ice Cream | 96.00% |
In the Rabbit Hole | 96.00% |
Zaidas Fortune | 96.00% |
Transylvania Night of blood | 95.76% |
Pinata and Ponies | 95.72% |
Wild Tundra | 95.70% |
Cai Shen 168 | 95.74% |
Genie Nights | 96.00% |
Good Luck Clusterbuster | 96.00% |
Tricks and Treats | 96.00% |
Buffalo Mania Megaways | 95.69% |
Mystery Reels Deluxe | 96.00% |
Great Gold | 96.00% |
1942 Sky Warrior | 96.00% |
Blazing Clusters | 96.00% |
Bulls Run Wild | 96.00% |
Da Vinci’s Mystery | 96.00% |
Dragon’s Luck Megaways | 96.00% |
Forever 7’s | 96.00% |
Hot Hot Chilli Pot | 96.00% |
Jackpot Quest | 96.00% |
Trillionaire | 96.00% |
Doggy Riches Megaways | 96.00% |
Dragon’s Luck | 96.00% |
Pirates’ Plenty | 96.00% |
Dragon’s Luck Deluxe | 96.00% |
Rock N Lock | 96.00% |
Bass Boss | 95.70% |
Blobsters Clusterbuster | 95.70% |
10001 Nights | 96.00% |
Dragon’s Fire | 96.00% |
Yucatan’s Mystery | 96.00% |
Majestic Mysteries Power Reels | 96.00% |
Apache Way | 96.00% |
Diamond Royale | 95.75% |
Mayhem | 96.00% |
Viral Spiral | 96.00% |
Dragon’s Fire Megaways | 96.00% |
Cash Volt | 96.00% |
777 Strike | 96.00% |
Thor’s Vengeance | 96.00% |
Pirates’ Plenty MegaWays | 96.00% |
Zeus Lightning Power Reels | 96.00% |
What the Fox MegaWays | 96.00% |
Mystery Reels Megaways | 96.00% |
Mega Dragon | 96.00% |
Mega Rise | 96.00% |
Reel King Mega | 96.00% |
Risque Megaways | 95.73% |
The Greatest Train Robbery | 96.00% |
Vault Cracker | 96.00% |
Wild Hot Chilli Reels | 96.00% |
Wings of Ra | 96.00% |
Zillard King | 96.00% |
Last Chance Saloon | 96.00% |
Reel Keeper | 96.00% |
Rainbow Jackpots | 96.00% |
Well of Wilds MegaWays | 96.00% |
Shah Mat | 96.00% |
Jack in a Pot | 96.00% |
Cash Ultimate | 96.00% |
Hustling | 96.00% |
Mystic Staxx | 96.00% |
Mega Pyramid | 96.00% |
Golden Leprechaun Megaways | 96.00% |
Dynamite Riches | 96.00% |
Mystery Reels | 96.00% |
Dragon’s Fire Infinireels | 96.00% |
Get the Gold INFINIREELS | 96.00% |
Lions Hoard | 96.00% |
The Wild Hatter | 96.00% |
Reptizillions Power Reels | 96.00% |
Neon Links | 96.00% |
Treasure Mine | 96.00% |
War Of Gods | 96.00% |
Rainbow Jackpots Power Lines | 96.00% |
Tiki Fruits | 96.00% |
Lucky Wizard | 96.00% |
Wild O’Clock | 96.00% |
Diamond Blitz | 96.00% |
NFT Megaways | 96.00% |
Dragon’s Luck Power Reels | 96.00% |
Regal Streak | 96.00% |
Vault of Anubis | 96.00% |
Thor’s Lightning | 96.00% |
Devil’s Number | 96.00% |
Fa Fa Babies | 96.00% |
Pirates’ Plenty | 96.00% |
Golden Tsar | 96.00% |
Wild Expedition | 96.00% |
Age of Akkadia | 96.00% |
Dracula Awakening | 96.00% |
Hoard of Poseidon | 96.00% |
Aurum Codex | 96.00% |
Treasure Mine Power Reels | 96.00% |
The Wisecracker Lightning | 96.00% |
Clash of the Beasts | 96.00% |
Hammer Gods | 96.00% |
Regal Beasts | 96.00% |
Phoenix Fire Power Reels | 96.00% |
Bounty Raid | 96.00% |
Agent Royale | 96.00% |
Five Star | 96.00% |
Crystal Mirror | 96.00% |
Arcade Bomb | 96.00% |
Jingle Ways Megaways | 96.00% |
Stolen Treasures | 96.00% |
Dragons Clusterbuster | 96.00% |
Peggy Sweets | 95.68% |
Happy Apples | 95.70% |
Wolfkin | 95.72% |
Gems Inferno Megaways | 95.73% |
Tiki Fruits | 96.00% |
Alexander The Great World Conqueror | 95.75% |
Astronaut | 95.69% |
Cyber Attack | 95.73% |
Magic Tricks | 95.70% |
Crystal Hot 40 | 96.60% |
Twinkling Hot 40 | 95.65% |
Wild Hot 40 | 96.60% |
Golden Crown | 95.96% |
Heating Ice | 96.30% |
Heating Ice Deluxe | 96.30% |
Turbo Hot 40 | 96.60% |
Twinkling Hot 5 | 95.65% |
Big Bad Wolf | 97.34% |
Big Bad Wolf Megaways | 96.05% |
Cabin Crashers | 96.18% |
Dinosaur Rage | 96.11% |
Dragon Shrine | 96.55% |
Eastern Emeralds | 96.58% |
Ghost Glyph | 96.18% |
Golden Glyph | 96.19% |
Golden Glyph 2 | 96.09% |
Guardian of Athens | 96.58% |
Hammer of Vulcan | 95.81% |
Loco the Monkey | 96.15% |
Midas Coins | 96.02% |
Nero’s Fortune | 96.24% |
Panther’s Reign | 96.25% |
Sakura Fortune | 96.58% |
Sticky Bandits | 96.58% |
Sticky Bandits 3 Most Wanted | 95.82% |
Titan Thunder: Wrath of Hades | 94.18% |
Treasure Island | 97.07% |
Eastern Emeralds Megaways | 96.04% |
Raven Rising | 96.07% |
Spinions Game Day | 96.07% |
Book of Inferno | 96.15% |
Scatter Monsters | 96.08% |
Betty Bonkers | 96.05% |
Azticons Chaos Clusters | 94.19% |
Dwarfs Gone Wild | 96.38% |
Sticky Bandits: Wild Return | 96.22% |
Warp Wreckers Power Glyph | 96.29% |
Spinions | 96.05% |
Book of Duat | 96.27% |
Cash Truck | 96.00% |
The Wild Chase | 96.72% |
Bigbot Crew | 96.51% |
Slugger Time | 96.18% |
Wild Harlequin | 96.27% |
Beastwood | 96.00% |
Sticky Bandits Trail of Blood | 96.23% |
Big Bad Wolf Christmas Special | 97.34% |
Sevens High Ultra | 96.06% |
Tiger’s Glory | 96.51% |
High Street Heist | 96.29% |
Reno7s | 95.98% |
Cash Truck Xmas Delivery | 96.00% |
Mine and Melt | 96.09% |
Dog Town Deal | 96.15% |
Brooklyn Bootleggers | 96.25% |
Tigers Glory Ultra | 96.72% |
Northern Sky | 96.54% |
Age Of Halvar | 93.91% |
Book Of Sheba | 93.48% |
Boots Of Luck | 94.80% |
Eloras Quest | 93.80% |
Great India | 93.38% |
Mines Of Glory | 94.40% |
Octopia | 93.38% |
Piggy Gangsters | 95.27% |
Reign Of Zeus | 94.22% |
Robin The Decent | 93.38% |
Sir Donkey | 93.75% |
Tales of Alvara | 93.00% |
The Secret of Holmes | 94.80% |
Vampire Call | 94.24% |
Wild Wolf | 93.92% |
Novi Book of Glory | 94.68% |
Buffalo Dust | 94.37% |
Expedition | 95.62% |
Phoenix Ashes | 95.78% |
Lucid Fruits | 95.62% |
Bold Squire | 94.39% |
Lamp of Magic | 95.62% |
Chicken Ninja | 95.09% |
Dream Catcher | 95.07% |
Boots of Gold | 95.66% |
Wild Jaguar | 95.38% |
Grizmeralda | 95.66% |
Famiglia Lumiere | 95.41% |
Hungry Biscuit | 95.28% |
Age of the Gods: God of Storms | 95.15% |
Age of Egypt | 97.05% |
Age of the Gods: Medusa & Monsters | 96.09% |
Age of the Gods: Mighty Midas | 96.34% |
Age of the Gods: Rulers of Olympus | 94.06% |
Age of the Gods: Ruler of the Sky | 90.05% |
Age Of The Gods: Age Of The Gods | 94.03% |
Heart of the Frontier | 96.09% |
All Bets Blackjack Live | 99.46% |
Berry Berry Bonanza | 95.99% |
Buffalo Blitz | 95.96% |
Great Blue | 96.03% |
Vegas Blackjack | 98.34% |
Blackjack Cashback | 99.55% |
Adventures Beyond Wonderland Live | 96.06% |
Premium Blackjack | 99.58% |
Premium Blackjack Single Hand | 99.58% |
Casino HoldEm | 97.84% |
Buffalo Blitz Live Slots | 95.96% |
Dragon Champions | 95.12% |
Epic Ape | 95.96% |
Football Rules | 97.06% |
Frankie Dettoris Magic 7 Blackjack | 98.49% |
Casino Holdem Live | 93.74% |
Deal or No Deal The Big Draw | 95.28% |
Age of the Gods: Furious Four | 93.89% |
Gladiator Road to Rome | 95.05% |
Gladiator Jackpot | 90.46% |
Live Dragon Tiger | 96.27% |
5 Ages Of Gold | 96.12% |
Absolutely Mammoth | 96.49% |
Age of the Gods: Book of Oracle | 96.48% |
Age of the Gods Epic Troy | 95.46% |
Age of the Gods Norse Gods And Giants | 96.49% |
Age of the Gods: Glorious Griffin | 97.05% |
Age of the Gods Norse: King of Asgard | 96.67% |
Age of the Gods Norse: Norse Legends | 95.31% |
Age of the Gods: Ruler of the Seas | 95.42% |
Age of the Gods: Ruler of the Dead | 96.53% |
Age of the Gods: Apollo Power | 96.47% |
Fire Blaze Adventure Trail | 96.64% |
Blazing Bells | 96.37% |
Buffalo Blitz II | 95.96% |
Better Wilds | 96.42% |
Bee Frenzy | 96.14% |
Book of Kings | 96.63% |
Fire Blaze Blue Wizard | 96.43% |
Cash Collect Sahara Riches | 95.67% |
Atlantis Cash Collect | 96.25% |
Dragon Sparks | 96.31% |
Fire Blaze Eternal Lady | 96.50% |
The Perfect Heist | 96.12% |
Fire Blaze Golden Buccaneer Bells | 96.48% |
Frog’s Gift | 96.76% |
Glorious Guardians | 96.49% |
Fire Blaze Golden Macaque | 96.73% |
Age of the Gods Norse: Book of Dwarves | 96.22% |
Gold Pile Orangutan | 96.46% |
Gem Splash Kings Court | 96.37% |
Ways Boost: Hot Gems Xtreme | 95.81% |
Hainan Ice | 96.28% |
Legend of Hydra | 96.56% |
Power Zones: Ishtar | 95.52% |
Joker Hot Reels | 95.52% |
Fire Blaze Jinns Moon | 96.58% |
Mega Fire Blaze Khonsu God of Moon | 96.49% |
Lucky Emeralds | 95.74% |
Mega Fire Blaze Legacy Of the Tiger | 96.59% |
Legacy of the Wild 2 | 96.36% |
Mayan Blocks | 95.36% |
Gem Splash: Marilyn Monroe | 96.47% |
Jane Jones Book of Kings 2 | 96.50% |
Oceanus Rising | 95.05% |
Fire Blaze Pearls Pearls Pearls | 96.50% |
Pyramid Valley | 95.36% |
Gem Splash Rainbows Gift | 96.46% |
Fire Blaze Red Wizard | 96.49% |
Fire Blaze Pharaoh’s Daughter | 96.53% |
Lovefool | 96.32% |
Savage Jungle | 96.54% |
Shields of Rome | 95.20% |
Fire Blaze Sky Queen | 96.58% |
Fire Blaze Tsai Shens Gift | 96.50% |
Tiger Stacks | 96.52% |
Gold Pile: Toltec Treasure | 96.46% |
Fire Blaze Golden Tundra Wolf | 96.49% |
Wild Lava | 96.47% |
Great Blue Jackpot | 94.03% |
A Night Out | 97.06% |
Halloween Fortune | 97.06% |
Halloween Fortune II | 94.99% |
Age of the Gods: Prince of Olympus | 93.83% |
Heads Up Holdem | 97.64% |
Irish Luck | 94.25% |
Jungle Giants | 95.06% |
Legacy of the Wild | 96.06% |
The Money Drop Live | 96.48% |
Mega Fire Blaze Roulette | 97.30% |
Mobile Blackjack | 99.53% |
Football Roulette Live | 97.30% |
Hi-Lo Live | 96.67% |
Dragon: Nian Nian You Yu | 96.03% |
Gaelic Luck | 97.06% |
Roulette Deluxe | 97.30% |
Majority Rules Speed Blackjack | 99.54% |
Premium European Roulette | 97.30% |
Quantum Roulette Live | 97.30% |
American Roulette | 97.30% |
Roulette Live | 97.30% |
White King II | 91.40% |
Age of the Gods: King of Olympus | 94.99% |
SicBo Deluxe | 99.00% |
Spin a Win | 99.00% |
Unlimited Blackjack Live | 99.54% |
Eye of Anubis | 95.76% |
Vikings Empire Treasures | 96.35% |
Blue Wizard Megaways | 96.40% |
Age of the Gods: Spin a Win | 97.50% |
Quantum Blackjack Plus | 99.68% |
Jurassic Island 2 | 95.70% |
Age of the Gods Wonder Warriors | 96.44% |
Gem Heat | 94.99% |
Kong the 8th Wonder of the World | 95.50% |
The Mummy Books Of Amun Ra | 95.97% |
Mega Fire Blaze Big Circus | 96.40% |
Flaming Bars | 96.50% |
Spin Till You Win | 97.30% |
The Queen’s Curse | 96.34% |
Sporting Legends Brian Lara | 96.08% |
Pride of Persia Empire Treasures | 95.99% |
Age of the Gods Wheels of Olympus | 95.00% |
Buffalo Blitz Megaways | 95.30% |
Epic Ape II Jackpot Blitz | 95.97% |
The Walking Dead | 95.73% |
Heroes Arrow | 96.38% |
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Roulette | 97.30% |
Mega Fire Blaze Wild Pistolero | 95.96% |
Sakura Fortune | 96.58% |
Hot Crown Deluxe | 95.94% |
Rhino Blitz | 95.96% |
Shark Blitz | 96.09% |
Cash Collect Leprechauns Luck | 95.38% |
Novibet Blackjack | 99.46% |
Fire Blaze Golden Amazing Factory | 96.61% |
Wild Crusade | 94.40% |
Rulers of the World Empire Treasures | 95.33% |
Age of the Gods: Maze Keeper | 94.97% |
Chilli Xtreme | 95.23% |
Fire Blaze: Fire Fighter | 95.00% |
Buffalo Blitz Live Slots (Spanish) | 95.96% |
Anaconda Uncoiled | 95.94% |
Pyramid Linx | 95.95% |
Age of the Gods: God of Storms II | 96.14% |
Roulette Italiana | 97.30% |
Triumph French Roulette | 97.30% |
Triumph Roulette | 97.30% |
UK Roulette | 97.30% |
Baccarat 1 | 98.94% |
Baccarat 1 NC | 98.76% |
Greek Quantum Roulette | 97.30% |
Hindi Roulette | 97.30% |
Novibet All Bets Blackjack | 99.46% |
Novibet Greek Roulette | 97.30% |
Quantum Roulette Italiana | 97.30% |
Soirée Elite VIP Blackjack 2 | 99.46% |
Speed Baccarat | 98.94% |
Speed Baccarat NC | 98.94% |
Wushu Punch | 95.99% |
King Blitz | 96.54% |
Baccarat Live | 98.94% |
Alexandrite Blackjack | 99.50% |
Blackjack Live | 99.50% |
Hit Bar | 96.00% |
Anaconda Wild | 95.48% |
Sporting Legends: Ascot | 92.96% |
Anaconda Wild II | 96.47% |
Extreme Fruits Ultimate | 96.00% |
Panther Pays | 96.25% |
Mega Fire Blaze Roulette Live | 97.30% |
Football French Roulette | 97.30% |
Quantum Roulette | 97.31% |
Curse of Anubis | 96.02% |
Baccarat NC | 98.94% |
French Roulette | 97.30% |
Blackjack Italiano 1 | 99.58% |
Blackjack Italiano 2 | 99.58% |
Blackjack Italiano VIP | 99.58% |
Deutsches Roulette | 97.30% |
Grand Baccarat | 98.94% |
Grand Baccarat NC | 98.94% |
Grand Blackjack | 99.58% |
Greek Roulette | 97.30% |
Prestige Roulette | 97.30% |
Quantum Auto Roulette | 97.30% |
Roleta Brasileira | 97.30% |
Soho All Bets Blackjack | 99.46% |
Soiree Blackjack 1 | 99.58% |
Soirée Elite Blackjack 1 | 99.58% |
Soirée Elite Blackjack 2 | 99.58% |
Soirée Elite VIP Blackjack | 99.58% |
Speed Roulette | 97.30% |
Turkish Roulette | 97.30% |
Novi Flashback Trivia | – |
Wild Linx | 96.49% |
Wild West Wilds | 96.14% |
Robocop | 95.37% |
Diamond Rise | 95.96% |
Silver Bullet Bandit Cash Collect | 95.44% |
Qins Empire Celestial Guardians | 96.31% |
Fruity Showers | 95.60% |
Mighty Hat Mine O Mine | 96.25% |
Joker Rush | 96.00% |
Fire Blaze Quattro Celtic Charm | 95.83% |
Plunder Ahoy | 95.51% |
Gold Hit O Reilly s Riches | 95.21% |
Fire Blaze Classic Green Wizard | 95.90% |
Roberto Carlos Sporting Legends | 95.60% |
Ways of the Genie Thundershots | 95.48% |
Witches Cash Collect | 95.67% |
Hindi Roulette | 97.30% |
Novibet Elite VIP Blackjack | 99.58% |
Novibet Gold VIP Blackjack | 99.58% |
Mighty Hat Mystic Tales | 95.66% |
Circus Launch | 95.99% |
Football Cash Collect | 94.91% |
Royale Blackjack 4 | 99.58% |
Sahara Riches Megaways Cash Collect | 94.88% |
Novibet Premium Blackjack | 99.46% |
Grand Junction Golden Guns | 96.41% |
The Walking Dead 2 | 95.84% |
The Walking Dead Cash Collect | 95.72% |
Novibet Mega Fire Blaze Roulette | 97.30% |
Caribbean Stud Poker | 94.78% |
Age of the Gods King of Olympus Megaways | 95.94% |
Rocky | 95.90% |
Gold Rush Cash Collect | 95.62% |
Pigeons From Space | 95.90% |
Wheels of Flame | 95.51% |
1 of a Kind | 95.56% |
Azteca Bonus Lines | 95.38% |
Triple Stop Mermaids Find | 95.48% |
Banca Francesa | 98.41% |
Mega Fire Blaze Blackjack Live | 99.46% |
Mega Fire Blaze Live Trivia | – |
Fire 4 Cash Collect Quattro | 94.70% |
Mega Fire Blaze Emperor of Rome | 94.91% |
Football Card Showdown Live | 96.27% |
Age of the Gods Helios | 94.98% |
Grand Junction: Mountain Express | 96.51% |
Jet Set Racing Roulette Live | 97.30% |
Gold Splash: Toots Froots | 95.86% |
Honey Gems | 95.46% |
Frank Bruno Sporting Legends | 97.30% |
PTNOV_FullMoonWhitePanda | 95.90% |
Monster Multipliers | 95.70% |
Thunder Birds Power Zones | 96.42% |
Qins Empire Caishens Temple | 96.46% |
Wild West Wilds | 96.14% |
Jacks or Better Classic | 99.54% |
Fire Blaze Quattro Toltec Blocks | 95.92% |
Devil Wilds | 95.50% |
Novibet Roulette | 97.30% |
Blackjack 10 Live | 99.58% |
Blackjack 11 Live | 99.58% |
Ready to Blow: Thundershots | 95.61% |
Cash It | 95.99% |
Novibet All Bets Blackjack | 99.46% |
Novibet Blackjack | 99.46% |
Hit Bar Gold | 95.50% |
Gold Hit: Shrine of Anubis | 95.70% |
Red Knight Lock And Hit | 95.47% |
Yu Tu Jin Cai Cash Collect | 94.97% |
Buffalo Blitz Mega Merge | 96.00% |
Age of the Gods: God of Storms III | 94.85% |
Auto-Roulette | 97.30% |
Auto-Roulette La Partage | 97.30% |
Auto-Roulette VIP | 97.30% |
Crazy Time | 96.08% |
Fan Tan | 98.75% |
Instant Roulette | 97.30% |
Lightning Dice | 96.57% |
Lightning Roulette | 97.30% |
Monopoly Live | 96.23% |
Three Card Poker | 96.63% |
Lightning Blackjack | 98.80% |
Dragon Tiger | 97.30% |
Lightning Baccarat | 98.94% |
Craps | 99.17% |
Blackjack Party | 98.80% |
Blackjack VIP B | 98.80% |
Roulette | 97.30% |
VIP Roulette | 97.30% |
Double Ball Roulette | 97.30% |
Side Bet City | 96.69% |
Casino Hold’em | 97.84% |
2 Hand Casino Hold’em | 97.84% |
Caribbean Stud Poker | 96.30% |
Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker | 97.96% |
Dream Catcher | 95.65% |
Football Studio | 96.27% |
Free Bet Blackjack | 98.45% |
Power Blackjack | 98.80% |
Infinite Blackjack | 99.51% |
Immersive Roulette | 97.30% |
Blackjack VIP X | 99.29% |
Blackjack Platinum VIP | 99.29% |
Blackjack Grand VIP | 99.29% |
Blackjack Diamond VIP | 99.29% |
French Roulette Gold | 97.30% |
Speed Auto Roulette | 97.30% |
Auto Lightning Roulette | 97.30% |
Ultimate Texas Hold’em | 97.96% |
Dragonara Roulette | 97.30% |
Blackjack Classic 45 | 99.29% |
Blackjack Classic 46 | 99.29% |
Blackjack Classic 47 | 99.29% |
Blackjack Classic 48 | 99.29% |
Blackjack VIP A | 99.29% |
Blackjack VIP C | 99.29% |
Blackjack VIP D | 99.29% |
Blackjack VIP G | 99.29% |
Blackjack Fortune VIP | 99.29% |
Salon Privé Blackjack A | 99.29% |
Salon Privé Blackjack B | 99.29% |
Salon Privé Blackjack C | 99.29% |
Salon Privé Blackjack D | 99.29% |
Salon Privé Blackjack E | 99.29% |
Salon Privé Blackjack F | 99.29% |
Speed Roulette | 97.30% |
Grand Casino Roulette | 97.30% |
Salon Privé Roulette | 97.30% |
Hippodrome Grand Casino | 97.30% |
Casino Malta Roulette | 97.30% |
Bac Bo | 98.87% |
Peek Baccarat | 98.94% |
Blackjack VIP 20 | 98.80% |
Blackjack VIP 21 | 98.80% |
Blackjack VIP 22 | 98.80% |
Blackjack VIP 23 | 98.80% |
Blackjack VIP 24 | 98.80% |
First Person Blackjack | 99.29% |
First Person Craps | 99.17% |
First Person Baccarat | 98.94% |
First Person American Roulette | 97.30% |
First Person Roulette | 97.30% |
First Person Top Card | 97.30% |
First Person Dragon Tiger | 96.27% |
First Person Lightning Roulette | 97.30% |
Blackjack VIP 3 | 98.80% |
Blackjack VIP 4 | 98.80% |
Super Andar Bahar | 97.85% |
Blackjack VIP Gamma | 98.80% |
Golden Wealth Baccarat | 98.94% |
XXXTreme Lightning Roulette | 97.30% |
First Person Deal or No Deal | 95.49% |
Speed Baccarat A | 98.94% |
Speed Baccarat B | 98.94% |
Speed Baccarat C | 98.94% |
Speed Baccarat D | 98.94% |
No Commission Baccarat | 98.94% |
Baccarat A | 98.94% |
Baccarat B | 98.94% |
Baccarat C | 98.94% |
Baccarat Squeeze | 98.94% |
Baccarat Control Squeeze | 98.94% |
Crazy Coin Flip | 96.05% |
Teen Patti | 96.63% |
Gold Bar Roulette | 97.30% |
Greek Lightning Roulette | 97.30% |
Auto Lightning Roulette | 97.30% |
Ultimate Texas Hold’em | 97.96% |
Blackjack Fortune VIP | 99.29% |
Salon Privé Roulette | 97.30% |
Speed Roulette | 97.30% |
Football Studio Roulette | 97.30% |
Football Studio Dice | 97.75% |
Dead or Alive Saloon | 97.02% |
Aloha! Christmas | 96.00% |
Asgardian Stones | 96.31% |
Bee Hive Bonanza | 96.09% |
Blood Suckers | 98.00% |
Blood Suckers II | 96.94% |
Butterfly Staxx | 96.80% |
Butterfly Staxx 2 | 96.35% |
Cash Noire | 96.06% |
Codex of Fortune | 98.00% |
Cornelius | 96.04% |
Creature from the Black Lagoon | 96.47% |
Cupcakes | 96.05% |
Dark King: Forbidden Riches | 96.06% |
Dazzle Me | 96.91% |
Dazzle Me Megaways | 93.09% |
Dead or Alive | 96.82% |
Divine Fortune | 96.59% |
Divine Fortune Megaways | 96.09% |
Dracula | 96.58% |
Fairytale Legends: Hansel and Gretel | 96.71% |
Fairytale Legends: Red Riding Hood | 96.33% |
Finn and the Swirly Spin | 96.62% |
Finn’s Golden Tavern | 96.10% |
Flowers | 96.32% |
Fruit Shop | 96.71% |
Fruit Shop Christmas Edition | 96.71% |
Fruit Shop Megaways | 96.06% |
Fruit Spin | 96.84% |
Funk Master | 96.04% |
Gonzo’s Gold | 96.11% |
Gonzo’s Quest | 96.00% |
Gordon Ramsay Hells Kitchen | 96.07% |
Gorilla Kingdom | 96.03% |
Grand Spinn | 96.19% |
Guns N’ Roses Video Slots | 96.98% |
Halloween Jack | 96.28% |
Hotline | 97.04% |
Hotline 2 | 96.05% |
Irish Pot Luck | 96.06% |
Jack Hammer | 96.96% |
Jack Hammer 2: Fishy Business | 97.07% |
Jimi Hendrix Online Slot | 96.90% |
Jingle Spin | 96.48% |
Joker Pro | 96.80% |
Jumanji | 96.33% |
Jungle Spirit: Call of the Wild | 96.47% |
King of Slots | 96.96% |
Knight Rider | 96.07% |
Koi Princess | 96.23% |
Let It Burn | 96.04% |
Lights | 96.10% |
Lost Relics | 96.30% |
Mercy Of The Gods | 96.64% |
Milkshake XXXtreme | 96.04% |
Motorhead Video Slot | 96.98% |
Narcos | 96.23% |
Neon Staxx | 96.90% |
Ozzy Osbourne Video Slots | 96.67% |
Parthenon: Quest for Immortality | 96.03% |
Piggy Riches | 96.38% |
Pyramid: Quest for Immortality | 96.48% |
Rage of the Seas | 96.04% |
Reef Raider | 91.10% |
Reel Rush | 96.96% |
Riches of Midgard: Land and Expand | 96.03% |
Rome: The Golden Age | 96.06% |
Scruffy Duck | 96.38% |
Secret of the Stones | 96.81% |
Secrets of Atlantis | 97.07% |
Secrets of Christmas | 96.72% |
Silverback Gold | 96.11% |
Space Wars | 96.75% |
Space Wars 2 | 96.05% |
Spinata Grande | 96.84% |
Starburst | 96.09% |
Steam Tower | 97.04% |
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior Slot | 96.08% |
Superstars | 96.08% |
The Invisible Man | 96.30% |
The Legend of Shangri-La: Cluster Pays | 96.59% |
Trollpot 5000 | 96.19% |
Turn Your Fortune | 96.24% |
Twin Spin | 96.55% |
Twin Spin Megaways | 96.04% |
Vegas Night Life | 96.00% |
Victorious | 96.95% |
Vikings Video Slot | 96.05% |
Warlords: Crystals of Power | 96.89% |
Wild Bazaar | 96.15% |
Wild Water | 96.36% |
Wild Wild West: The Great Train Heist | 96.74% |
Wild Worlds | 96.47% |
Willy’s Hot Chillies | 96.00% |
Wolf Cub | 96.34% |
Blackjack Classic 18 | 98.80% |
Blackjack Classic 24 | 98.80% |
Wonders of Christmas | 95.05% |
Blackjack Classic 57 | 98.80% |
Classic Speed Blackjack 55 | 98.80% |
Classic Speed Blackjack 56 | 98.80% |
Classic Speed Blackjack 57 | 98.80% |
Drive: Multiplier Mayhem | 96.70% |
Extra Chilli Epic Spins | 96.74% |
Busters Bones | 96.07% |
Taco Fury XXXtreme | 96.05% |
Funky Time | 95.99% |
Casino Malta Roulette | 97.30% |
The Wish Master Megaways | 96.07% |
Twin Spin XXXTreme | 96.06% |
Books & Bulls | 96.11% |
Books and Pearls Respins of Amun-Re | 96.10% |
Crystal Ball | 96.12% |
Fancy Fruits | 96.09% |
Fruit Mania | 96.12% |
La Dolce Vita | 96.03% |
Ramses Book | 96.15% |
Ramses Book Respins of Amun Re | 96.15% |
Roman Legion | 96.16% |
Royal Seven | 96.10% |
Royal Seven XXL | 96.11% |
Take 5 | 96.11% |
The Nemean Lion | 96.01% |
5 Flaring Fruits | 96.11% |
Egyptian Magic | 95.54% |
Books And Bounties | 96.14% |
Book of Juno | 96.14% |
Book of Madness | 96.15% |
Duck Shooter | 96.09% |
Royal Seven Ultra | 96.14% |
Shoguns Secret | 96.05% |
Paradise Ticket | 95.98% |
Fairy Dust | 95.50% |
Egyptian Magic | 95.54% |
Lava Lions | 96.10% |
Wild Rubies | 96.16% |
Kings And Jewels | 96.30% |
Super Sevens | 95.98% |
Precious 7 | 96.04% |
Sheriff Colt | 96.13% |
Zombies at the Door | 96.50% |
20 Flaring Fruits | 96.11% |
Mermaid Pays | 95.67% |
Allways Fruits | 96.85% |
Allways Hot Fruits | 97.02% |
Bells On Fire | 96.84% |
Billyonaire | 96.33% |
Book Of Aztec | 97.63% |
Book Of Aztec Select | 97.63% |
Book Of Fortune | 97.63% |
Book Of Fruits 10 | 96.92% |
Book Of Pharao | 97.10% |
Buffalo Thunderstacks | 96.91% |
Casanovas Ladies | 97.01% |
Hot 27 | 97.17% |
Hot 7 | 95.66% |
Hot Choice Deluxe | 97.12% |
Hot Fruits 100 | 97.08% |
Hot Fruits 20 | 97.56% |
Hot Fruits 27 | 97.18% |
Hot Fruits 40 | 97.31% |
Hot Fruits Deluxe | 97.25% |
Hot Scatter | 97.44% |
Lovely Lady Deluxe | 95.73% |
Lucky Joker 100 | 97.02% |
Lucky Joker 20 | 96.92% |
Lucky Joker 40 | 96.94% |
Lucky Joker 5 | 96.99% |
Wild 7 | 96.76% |
Wild Stars | 98.20% |
Wild Volcano | 96.95% |
Dreamy Genie | 95.49% |
Pharaohs Gold 40 | 97.08% |
Hellfire | 96.11% |
Western Jack | 96.06% |
Divine Fire | 96.14% |
Book of Oasis | 96.15% |
Sunny Sevens | 96.08% |
Crystal Strike | 96.17% |
Octopus Armada | 95.78% |
50 Flaring Fruits | 96.13% |
Maaax Diamonds | 96.07% |
Stacks of Jacks | 96.16% |
Fort Brave | 96.12% |
Lucky Joker 10 | 97.12% |
Santas Fruits | 95.86% |
Burning Bells 20 | 96.96% |
Hot Fruits 10 | 97.04% |
Hot Fruits 20 Cash Spins | 97.02% |
Lucky Joker 10 Cash Spins | 97.05% |
Sevens & Books | 96.10% |
Billyonaire Bonus Buy | 96.33% |
Book Of Admiral | 97.05% |
Book of Aztec Bonus Buy | 97.63% |
Burning Bells 10 | 97.00% |
Fruit Star | 97.17% |
Lucky Double | 97.06% |
Lucky Golden 7 | 95.86% |
Sun Goddess | 97.43% |
Treasure of Tengshe | 95.45% |
Golden Treasures | 95.52% |
Diamond Safari | 95.47% |
Alexandria Fire | 94.14% |
Dragons Legacy | 95.39% |
Clash of Seraphim | 95.51% |
Nordic Fire | 96.13% |
Totem Link | 95.23% |
A Winters Tale | 95.15% |
Reel Big Fish | 96.52% |
Sea of Plenty | 94.00% |
Bells on Fire Hot | 96.00% |
Book of Fruits | 96.92% |
Chilli Willie | 97.07% |
Dragons Pearl | 95.26% |
Eye of Ra | 96.00% |
Hot Twenty | 96.00% |
Hottest Fruits 20 | 97.56% |
Hottest Fruits 40 | 96.93% |
Lucky Joker XMas | 97.12% |
Triple Wild | 97.12% |
24K Dragon | 96.20% |
3 Clown Monty | 96.23% |
5x Magic | 95.42% |
7 Sins | 96.28% |
Agent Destiny | 96.26% |
Ankh of Anubis | 96.20% |
Annihilator | 96.20% |
Aztec Idols | 96.76% |
Aztec Warrior Princess | 96.08% |
Baker’s Treat | 96.04% |
Banana Rock | 96.60% |
Big Win 777 | 96.50% |
Big Win Cat | 96.15% |
Black Mamba | 96.50% |
Blazin Bullfrog | 96.20% |
Blinged | 96.25% |
Book of Dead | 96.21% |
Bull in a China Shop | 96.20% |
Candy Island Princess | 96.20% |
Cash Pump | 96.86% |
Cash Vandal | 96.47% |
Cat Wilde and the Doom of Dead | 96.29% |
Cat Wilde in the Eclipse of the Sun God | 96.22% |
Cats and Cash | 96.07% |
Charlie Chance | 96.25% |
Charlie Chance in Hell to Pay | 96.23% |
Chinese New Year | 96.76% |
Chronos Joker | 96.54% |
Cloud Quest | 96.52% |
Coils of Cash | 96.20% |
Contact | 96.55% |
Cops n robbers | 96.47% |
Court of Hearts | 96.27% |
Coywolf Cash | 96.31% |
Crystal Sun | 96.60% |
Dawn of Egypt | 96.23% |
Demon | 96.50% |
Diamond Vortex | 96.20% |
Disco Diamonds | 96.29% |
Divine Showdown | 96.51% |
Doom of Egypt | 96.21% |
Dragon Maiden | 96.49% |
Dragon Ship | 94.01% |
Easter Eggs | 96.75% |
Enchanted Crystals | 96.72% |
Energoonz | 96.73% |
Eye of the Kraken | 96.41% |
Feline Fury | 96.20% |
Fire Joker | 96.15% |
Fire Joker Freeze | 96.18% |
Fire Toad | 96.20% |
Firefly Frenzy | 96.59% |
Fortune Teller | 94.17% |
Fortunes of Ali Baba | 96.89% |
Free Reelin’ Joker | 96.17% |
Frozen Gems | 96.36% |
FU ER DAI | 96.51% |
GEMiX | 96.75% |
Gemix 2 | 96.26% |
Gold King | 96.53% |
Gold Trophy 2 | 96.88% |
Gold Volcano | 96.20% |
Golden Caravan | 96.19% |
Golden Colts | 96.55% |
Golden Osiris | 96.27% |
Golden Ticket | 96.73% |
Golden Ticket 2 | 96.50% |
Grim Muerto | 96.76% |
Hammerfall | 96.20% |
Helloween | 96.20% |
Holiday Season | 96.51% |
Holiday Spirits | 96.29% |
Honey Rush | 96.54% |
House of Doom | 96.11% |
House of Doom 2: The Crypt | 96.25% |
Hugo | 96.40% |
Hugo 2 | 96.53% |
Hugos Adventure | 96.53% |
Ice Joker | 96.23% |
Imperial Opera | 96.50% |
Inferno Joker | 96.38% |
Inferno Star | 96.38% |
Irish Gold | 95.42% |
Iron Girl | 96.70% |
Jade Magician | 96.53% |
Jewel Box | 95.79% |
Jolly Roger | 94.98% |
Jolly Roger 2 | 96.20% |
Lady of Fortune | 95.79% |
Legacy of Dead | 96.58% |
Legacy of Egypt | 96.50% |
Leprechaun goes Egypt | 96.75% |
Leprechaun Goes Wild | 96.20% |
Lord Merlin and the Lady of the Lake | 96.20% |
Madame Ink | 96.29% |
Mahjong 88 | 96.62% |
Matsuri | 96.17% |
Mermaid’s Diamond | 96.50% |
Merry Xmas | 95.79% |
Miner Donkey Trouble | 96.27% |
Mission Cash | 96.65% |
Moon Princess | 96.50% |
MULTIFRUIT 81 | 96.55% |
Mystery Joker | 96.98% |
New Year Riches | 96.48% |
Ninja Fruits | 96.76% |
Nyjah Huston – Skate for Gold |
96.20% |
Octopus Treasure | 96.53% |
Pack and Cash | 96.20% |
Pearl Lagoon | 96.88% |
Pearls of India | 96.87% |
Perfect Gems | 96.50% |
Phoenix Reborn | 96.50% |
Photo Safari | 94.17% |
Piggy Bank Farm | 96.29% |
Pimped | 96.51% |
Planet Fortune | 96.50% |
Prism of Gems | 96.24% |
Prissy Princess | 96.56% |
Prosperity Palace | 96.25% |
Queen’s Day Tilt | 96.36% |
Rabbit Hole Riches | 96.23% |
Rage to Riches | 97.12% |
Raging Rex | 96.34% |
Rainforest Magic | 96.54% |
Rally 4 Riches | 96.25% |
Reactoonz | 96.51% |
Reactoonz 2 | 96.20% |
Rich Wilde and the Amulet of Dead | 96.29% |
Rich Wilde and The Shield of Athena | 96.25% |
Rich Wilde and the Tome of Madness | 96.59% |
Riches of RA | 94.01% |
Riches of Robin | 96.65% |
Riddle Reels: A Case of Riches | 96.22% |
Ring of Odin | 96.20% |
Rise of Athena | 96.20% |
Rise of Dead | 96.53% |
Rise of Merlin | 96.58% |
Rise of Olympus | 96.50% |
Royal Masquerade | 96.51% |
Sabaton | 96.50% |
Sails of Gold | 96.25% |
Samba Carnival | 95.79% |
Saxon | 96.24% |
Scroll of Dead | 96.28% |
Sea Hunter | 96.63% |
Shimmering Woods | 96.20% |
Sizzling Spins | 96.49% |
Space Race | 94.23% |
Spin Party | 96.51% |
Star Joker | 96.25% |
Sticky Joker | 96.74% |
Street Magic | 96.48% |
Super Flip | 96.53% |
Sweet 27 | 96.10% |
Sweet Alchemy | 96.52% |
Testament | 96.20% |
Thats Rich | 96.27% |
The Faces of Freya | 96.26% |
The Green Knight | 96.27% |
The Paying Piano Club | 96.26% |
The Sword and The Grail | 96.53% |
Thunder Screech | 96.20% |
Tower Quest | 96.24% |
Troll Hunters | 96.73% |
Troll Hunters 2 | 96.50% |
Twisted Sister | 96.20% |
Viking Runecraft | 96.70% |
Wild Blood 2 | 96.18% |
Wild Falls | 96.50% |
Wild Frames | 96.50% |
Wild North | 96.55% |
Wild Rails | 96.53% |
Wildhound Derby | 96.93% |
Win-A-Beest | 96.12% |
Wizard of Gems | 96.66% |
Xmas Joker | 96.98% |
Hotel Yeti-Way | 96.19% |
ZZ Top Roadside Riches | 96.20% |
Hugo Carts | 96.23% |
Rabbit Hole Riches – Agent of Hearts | 96.25% |
Diamonds of the Realm | 96.23% |
Odin Protector of Realms | 96.20% |
Sisters of the Sun | 96.20% |
Dr Toonz | 96.25% |
Ghost of Dead | 96.21% |
The Wild Class | 96.20% |
Charlie Chance and the Curse of Cleopatra | 96.25% |
Alice Cooper and the Tome of Madness | 96.20% |
Sparky & Shortz | 96.28% |
Muerto en Mictlan | 96.20% |
Snakebite | 96.20% |
Loki’s Fortune Tales of Asgard | 96.20% |
Legend of the Ice Dragon | 96.29% |
The Last Sundown | 96.20% |
Rich Wilde and the Wandering City | 96.20% |
Merlin and the Ice Queen Morgana | 96.20% |
Moon Princess Christmas Kingdom | 96.20% |
Kiss Reels of Rock | 96.20% |
Hooligan Hustle | 96.27% |
Beasts of Fire | 96.24% |
Captain Xeno’s Earth Adventure | 96.20% |
Tale of Kyubiko | 96.29% |
15 Crystal Roses | 96.20% |
Love Joker | 96.20% |
Gigantoonz | 96.25% |
Cat Wilde and the Lost Chapter | 96.20% |
Tales of Asgard Freyas Wedding | 96.40% |
Secret of Dead | 96.20% |
Safari of Wealth | 96.20% |
Fat Frankies | 96.20% |
Raging Rex 2 | 96.20% |
Eye of Atum | 96.20% |
Def Leppard Hysteria | 96.27% |
Moon Princess 100 | 96.20% |
Forge of Gems | 96.20% |
Puebla Parade | 96.20% |
Animal Madness | 96.20% |
Lordi Reel Monsters | 96.20% |
Rise of Gods: Reckoning | 96.20% |
Idol of Fortune | 96.20% |
Kings Mask | 96.28% |
Wild Trigger | 96.20% |
Derby Wheel | 96.20% |
Rocco Gallo | 96.29% |
Cat Wilde and the Pyramids of Dead | 96.20% |
NSYNC Pop | 96.20% |
Merlins Grimoire | 96.20% |
Rotiki | 96.20% |
Cash of Command | 96.28% |
Mega Don | 96.20% |
Leprechaun’s Vault | 96.20% |
Forge of Fortunes | 96.20% |
Bull in a Rodeo | 96.28% |
Champions of Mithrune | 96.25% |
Mount M | 96.25% |
Gates of Troy | 96.20% |
Immortails of Egypt | 96.20% |
Fortune Rewind | 96.27% |
Dio Killing the Dragon | 96.25% |
Boat Bonanza | 96.21% |
Count Jokula | 96.22% |
Canine Carnage | 96.20% |
Rise of Olympus 100 | 96.20% |
USA Flip | 96.20% |
Clash of Camelot | 96.28% |
Naughty Nicks Book | 96.28% |
Wild Falls 2 | 96.20% |
Motley Crue | 96.20% |
Pilgrim of Dead | 96.20% |
Shamrock Miner | 96.29% |
Cash a Cabana | 96.20% |
Invading Vegas | 96.20% |
Game of Gladiators Uprising | 96.20% |
Legacy of Inca | 96.29% |
Legion Gold | 96.23% |
Colt Lightning | 96.24% |
Moon Princess Trinity | 96.20% |
Pandoras Box of Evil | 96.20% |
Rise of Dead | 96.53% |
Ring of Odin | 96.20% |
Rabbit Hole Riches | 96.23% |
Odin Protector of Realms | 96.20% |
Wild Falls | 96.50% |
Gemix 2 | 96.26% |
Royal Masquerade | 96.51% |
Big Win 777 | 96.50% |
Black Mamba | 96.50% |
Easter Eggs | 96.75% |
Wild Bandolier | 96.00% |
Craps | 99.55% |
Slashimi | 96.20% |
Ronins Honour | 96.22% |
Gerards Gambit | 96.20% |
Luchamigos | 96.20% |
Captain Glum Pirate Hunter | 96.20% |
Viking Runecraft Apocalypse | 96.50% |
Highway Legends | 96.25% |
Free Reelin Joker 1000 | 96.18% |
Ternion | 96.20% |
Sweet Alchemy 2 | 96.20% |
Rascal Riches | 96.23% |
Sparky and Shortz Hidden Joules | 96.20% |
Fox Mayhem | 96.20% |
Sweet Alchemy 100 | 96.50% |
5 Lions Megaways | 96.50% |
Big Bass Bonanza | 96.71% |
Book of Kingdoms | 96.69% |
Book Of Vikings | 96.50% |
Buffalo King | 96.06% |
Buffalo King Megaways | 96.52% |
Chicken Drop | 96.50% |
Chilli Heat | 96.50% |
Christmas Carol Megaways | 96.50% |
Congo Cash | 96.51% |
Cowboys Gold | 96.50% |
Curse of the Werewolf Megaways | 96.50% |
Da Vinci’s Treasure | 96.53% |
Diamond Strike | 97.02% |
Empty the Bank | 96.48% |
Extra Juicy | 96.52% |
Fire Strike | 96.50% |
Fishin Reels | 96.50% |
Floating Dragon | 96.71% |
Fruit Party | 96.50% |
Fruit Party 2 | 96.53% |
Gates of Olympus | 96.50% |
Gems Bonanza | 96.55% |
Great Rhino | 96.53% |
Great Rhino Megaways | 96.50% |
Greek Gods | 96.50% |
Heart of Rio | 96.50% |
Hot Fiesta | 96.50% |
Hot to Burn | 96.71% |
Hot to Burn Hold and Spin | 96.70% |
John Hunter and the Book of Tut | 96.50% |
John Hunter and the Tomb of the Scarab Queen | 96.50% |
Juicy Fruits | 96.52% |
Lucky Lightning | 96.45% |
Madame Destiny Megaways | 96.56% |
Money Mouse | 96.01% |
Mustang Gold | 96.53% |
Mysterious | 96.50% |
Mysterious Egypt | 96.50% |
Phoenix Forge | 96.51% |
Pirate Gold | 96.50% |
Power of Thor Megaways | 96.55% |
Pyramid King | 96.50% |
Release the Kraken | 96.50% |
Rise of Giza PowerNudge | 96.49% |
Santa | 95.92% |
Super 7s | 96.50% |
Sweet Bonanza | 96.48% |
Sweet Bonanza Xmas | 96.48% |
The Amazing Money Machine | 96.42% |
The Dog House | 96.51% |
The Dog House Megaways | 96.55% |
The Hand of Midas | 96.54% |
The Magic Cauldron | 96.44% |
Ultra Hold and Spin | 96.70% |
Wild West Gold | 96.51% |
Wild Wild Riches | 96.77% |
Wolf Gold | 96.01% |
Chilli Heat Megaways | 96.50% |
Bigger Bass Bonanza | 96.71% |
Starlight Princess | 96.50% |
Piggy Bank Bills | 96.50% |
Treasure Wild | 96.53% |
Mystic Chief | 96.55% |
Cash Bonanza | 96.52% |
Day of Dead | 96.49% |
Joker’s Jewels | 96.50% |
John Hunter and the Quest for Bermuda Riches | 96.51% |
Big Juan | 96.70% |
Big Bass Bonanza Megaways | 96.70% |
Bounty Gold | 96.50% |
Super X | 96.51% |
Smugglers Cove | 96.50% |
Book of Fallen | 96.50% |
Santas Wonderland | 96.23% |
Christmas Big Bass Bonanza | 96.71% |
Crystal Caverns Megaways | 96.46% |
Magician Secrets | 96.51% |
Wild Depths | 96.48% |
Gold Party | 96.50% |
Rock Vegas | 96.64% |
Gates of Valhalla | 96.46% |
Colossal Cash Zone | 96.50% |
The Ultimate 5 | 96.50% |
Elemental Gems Megaways | 96.51% |
Might of Ra | 96.49% |
Snakes and Ladders Megadice | 96.88% |
Extra Juicy Megaways | 96.42% |
Fortune of Giza | 96.51% |
Wild Beach Party | 96.53% |
Barn Festival | 96.45% |
Rainbow Gold | 96.63% |
Drill that Gold | 96.49% |
Spaceman | 96.50% |
Spirit of Adventure | 96.60% |
Chicken Chase | 96.48% |
Clover Gold | 96.54% |
Goblin Heist Powernudge | 96.47% |
North Guardians | 96.38% |
Fire Strike 2 | 96.50% |
Cleocatra | 96.20% |
The Great Stick-Up | 96.30% |
Eye of Cleopatra | 96.50% |
Little Gem | 96.70% |
Wild West Gold Megaways | 96.44% |
Zombie Carnival | 96.50% |
Cash Patrol | 96.50% |
Queen of Gods | 96.38% |
Bomb Bonanza | 96.46% |
Big Bass Splash | 96.71% |
Sugar Rush | 96.50% |
Cosmic Cash | 96.55% |
Shining Hot 5 | 96.33% |
Shining Hot 20 | 96.35% |
Shining Hot 40 | 96.36% |
Shining Hot 100 | 96.32% |
Tropical Tiki | 96.43% |
Greedy Wolf | 96.48% |
Black Bull | 96.51% |
Hot to Burn Extreme | 96.65% |
Down the Rails | 96.51% |
Fire Hot 5 | 96.27% |
Fire Hot 20 | 96.29% |
Fire Hot 40 | 96.43% |
Fire Hot 100 | 96.43% |
Octobeer Fortunes | 96.53% |
Happy Hooves | 96.50% |
Striking Hot 5 | 96.29% |
Book of Golden Sands | 96.46% |
Crown of Fire | 96.36% |
Wild Hop And Drop | 96.46% |
Gates of Novibet | 96.50% |
Aztec Blaze | 96.50% |
John Hunter and the Book of Tut Respin | 96.50% |
Pirate Golden Age | 96.49% |
Firebird Spirit | 96.00% |
Muertos Multiplier Megaways | 96.03% |
Candy Stars | 96.47% |
Big Bass Keeping it Reel | 96.07% |
Sword of Ares | 96.40% |
Release the Kraken 2 | 96.50% |
Spin and Score Megaways | 96.97% |
Magic Money Maze | 96.61% |
Towering Fortunes | 96.50% |
Shield of Sparta | 96.50% |
Gems of Serengeti | 96.40% |
Snakes And Ladders Snake Eyes | 96.08% |
Santas Great Gift | 96.25% |
Reel Banks | 96.04% |
Bigger Bass Blizzard Christmas Catch | 96.08% |
Fury of Odin | 95.97% |
Hot Pepper | 96.45% |
Sweet Powernudge | 96.08% |
Pizza Pizza Pizza | 96.04% |
Dragon Hero | 96.00% |
Wild Wild Bananas | 96.10% |
Pinup Girls | 96.44% |
Secret City Gold | 96.06% |
Mammoth Gold Megaways | 96.03% |
Fish Eye | 96.07% |
Monster Superlanche | 96.03% |
Fire Archer | 96.07% |
Club Tropicana | 96.08% |
Peak Power | 96.02% |
Wild Wild Riches Megaways | 96.02% |
Mystery of the Orient | 96.00% |
Wild West Duels | 96.00% |
The Dog House Multihold | 96.06% |
Cowboy Coins | 96.08% |
Mochimon | 96.50% |
Jasmine Dreams | 96.48% |
The Knight King | 96.05% |
Rabbit Garden | 96.05% |
Big Bass Bonanza Hold and Spinner | 96.07% |
The Red Queen | 96.06% |
Peaky Blinders | 96.50% |
Madame Destiny | 96.50% |
Dance Party | 96.50% |
Dragon Hot Hold and Spin | 96.70% |
Gods of Giza | 96.01% |
Tsili Dog House | 96.51% |
African Elephant | 96.04% |
Wild Celebrity Bus Megaways | 96.52% |
3 Dancing Monkeys | 96.00% |
Jane Hunter and the Mask of Montezuma | 96.02% |
Kingdom of The Dead | 96.07% |
Excalibur Unleashed | 96.05% |
Wild Bison Charge | 96.03% |
Knight Hot Spotz | 96.50% |
Lamp Of Infinity | 96.07% |
Diamonds Of Egypt | 96.49% |
Jewel Rush | 96.47% |
Zeus vs Hades Gods of War | 96.07% |
Country Farming | 96.07% |
Sticky Bees | 96.06% |
Pirates Pub | 96.03% |
Floating Dragon – Dragon Boat Festival | 96.07% |
Fat Panda | 96.07% |
Big Bass Amazon Xtreme | 96.07% |
Gold Rush Riches | 95.10% |
Thunderhawk | 96.00% |
Badger Miners | 96.00% |
Toro Wilds Reel | 96.04% |
Cash Truck 2 | 96.16% |
Adventures Beyond Wonderland Magical Maze | 96.15% |
Feasting Fox | 96.29% |
Dragon Tiger Live | 96.27% |
ONE Blackjack | 99.28% |
Mega Roulette | 97.30% |
Mega Wheel | 96.50% |
Blackjack Lobby | 99.59% |
Blackjack Azure A | 99.59% |
Blackjack Azure B | 99.59% |
Blackjack 7 Azure | 99.59% |
Blackjack 4 Azure | 99.59% |
Blackjack 1 Azure | 99.59% |
Blackjack Azure F | 99.59% |
Blackjack Azure G | 99.59% |
Blackjack 5 Azure | 99.59% |
Blackjack 2 Azure | 99.59% |
Blackjack 8 Azure | 99.59% |
Blackjack A | 99.59% |
Blackjack B | 99.59% |
Blackjack C | 99.59% |
Blackjack D | 99.59% |
Blackjack E | 99.59% |
Roulette Lobby | 97.30% |
Roulette Azure | 97.30% |
Roulette A | 97.30% |
Roulette Macao | 97.30% |
Baccarat A | 98.94% |
Baccarat B | 98.94% |
Speed Baccarat 14 | 98.94% |
Baccarat D | 98.94% |
Baccarat E | 98.94% |
Speed Baccarat A | 98.94% |
Speed Baccarat B | 98.94% |
Speed Baccarat C | 98.94% |
Speed Baccarat D | 98.94% |
Speed Baccarat E | 98.94% |
Auto-Roulette | 97.30% |
Speed Roulette | 97.30% |
Blackjack 17 – Azure | 99.59% |
Blackjack 18 – Azure | 99.59% |
Blackjack 19 – Azure | 99.59% |
Blackjack 20 – Azure | 99.59% |
Blackjack 21 – Azure | 99.59% |
Blackjack 22 – Azure | 99.59% |
Blackjack 23 – Azure | 99.59% |
Blackjack 24 – Azure | 99.59% |
Blackjack 25 – Azure | 99.59% |
Blackjack 26 – Azure | 99.59% |
Blackjack 27 – Azure | 99.59% |
Blackjack 28 – Azure | 99.59% |
Blackjack 29 – Azure | 99.59% |
Blackjack 30 – Azure | 99.59% |
Blackjack 31- Azure | 99.59% |
Andar Bahar | 97.85% |
Roulette 8 Indian | 97.30% |
Roulette 9 – The Club | 97.30% |
Blackjack 33 – The Club | 99.59% |
Blackjack 34 – The Club | 99.59% |
Blackjack 35 – The Club | 99.59% |
Blackjack 36 – The Club | 99.59% |
ONE Blackjack – 2 Indigo | 99.28% |
Speed Baccarat 7 | 98.94% |
Speed Baccarat 8 | 98.94% |
Speed Baccarat 9 | 98.94% |
Baccarat 7 | 98.94% |
Baccarat 8 | 98.94% |
Speed Baccarat 15 | 98.94% |
Roulette 10 – Ruby | 97.30% |
Blackjack 37 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 38 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 39 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 40 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 41 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 42 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 43 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 44 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 45 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 46 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 47 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 48 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 49 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 50 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 51 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Speed Baccarat 13 | 98.94% |
Baccarat 13 | 98.94% |
Speed Baccarat 10 | 98.94% |
VIP Blackjack 1 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Game Shows | 97.30% |
Baccarat Lobby | 98.94% |
VIP Blackjack 2 – Ruby | 99.59% |
VIP Blackjack 3 – Ruby | 99.59% |
VIP Blackjack 4 – Ruby | 99.59% |
VIP Blackjack 5 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Speed Blackjack 3 Ruby | 99.59% |
Speed Blackjack 4 Ruby | 99.59% |
Super 8 Baccarat | 98.94% |
Speed Blackjack 1 Ruby | 99.59% |
Speed Blackjack 2 Ruby | 99.59% |
Speed Blackjack 5 Ruby | 99.59% |
Fortune 6 Baccarat | 98.94% |
Boom City | 96.20% |
Speed Baccarat 1 No Commission | 98.94% |
Speed Baccarat 2 No Commission | 98.94% |
Baccarat 1 No Commission | 98.94% |
PowerUp Roulette | 96.20% |
Speed Roulette 2 | 97.30% |
Blackjack 52 Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 53 Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 55 Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 54 Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 56 Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 58 Azure | 99.59% |
Blackjack 59 Azure | 99.59% |
Speed Blackjack 6 Azure | 99.59% |
Speed Blackjack 7 Azure | 99.59% |
Speed Blackjack 8 Azure | 99.59% |
Speed Blackjack 9 Azure | 99.59% |
Speed Blackjack 10 Azure | 99.59% |
Speed Blackjack 11 Azure | 99.59% |
Speed Blackjack 12 Azure | 99.59% |
Speed Blackjack 14 Azure | 99.59% |
Blackjack 60 Azure | 99.59% |
Blackjack 61 Azure | 99.59% |
Blackjack 62 Azure | 99.59% |
Blackjack 63 Azure | 99.59% |
Blackjack 64 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 65 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 66 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 67 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 68 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 69 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 70 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Speed Blackjack 15 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Speed Blackjack 16 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Speed Blackjack 17 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Speed Blackjack 18 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 71 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 72 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 73 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Blackjack 74 – Ruby | 99.59% |
Speed Auto Roulette | 97.30% |
Speed Blackjack 19 Emerald | 99.59% |
Speed Blackjack 20 Emerald | 99.59% |
Speed Blackjack 21 Emerald | 99.59% |
Speed Blackjack 22 Emerald | 99.59% |
VIP Blackjack 6 Emerald | 99.59% |
VIP Blackjack 7 Emerald | 99.59% |
VIP Blackjack 8 Emerald | 99.59% |
Auto Mega Roulette | 97.30% |
20p Slot | 95.00% |
7’s Deluxe Repeater | 95.99% |
7s Deluxe | 96.14% |
Action Bank Plus | 96.04% |
Amazon Queen | 95.94% |
Beetlejuice Megaways | 96.00% |
Blazing X Asia | 95.94% |
AmericanFootball NFLA | 94.34% |
AmericanFootball USLeague | 94.34% |
Anubis Wild Megaways | 95.90% |
Aviator | 97.00% |
Bar X Hot Spins Plus | 95.00% |
Basketball Europe | 94.34% |
Basketball USA1 | 94.34% |
Basketball USA2 | 94.34% |
Bear Money | 96.50% |
Cheshire Cat | 95.94% |
Big Bonus | 95.61% |
Big Christmas Present | 95.00% |
Big Fishing Fortune | 94.83% |
Big Money Frenzy | 96.05% |
Big Piggy Bonus | 95.00% |
Big Spin Bonus | 95.00% |
Dancing Drums | 96.06% |
Bonus Fruits | 95.00% |
Bonus Island | 96.78% |
Born Wild | 96.20% |
Bison Rising Megaways | 96.50% |
Boxes | 96.00% |
Bullion Bars | 95.00% |
Buffalo Stack n Sync | 94.38% |
Cash Compass | 96.42% |
Centurion Maximus Winnus | 95.00% |
Centurion Megaways | 95.90% |
Cash Quest | 96.32% |
Jin Ji Bao Xi Endless Treasure | 95.65% |
Chicken Fox | 95.54% |
Christmas Cashspins | 94.00% |
Jinse Dao Dragon | 96.01% |
Chaos Crew | 96.30% |
Cops n Robbers Megaways | 95.50% |
Bon Bomb Lux | 96.22% |
Crown Gems | 96.11% |
Coins | 96.00% |
Cubes | 96.35% |
Kronos | 95.94% |
Desperados Wild Megaways | 96.49% |
Crypt of the Dead | 96.46% |
Diamond Mine Megaways | 95.75% |
Dogs Flats | 86.96% |
Double Cash Spinner | 94.03% |
Cubes 2 | 96.33% |
Ecuador Gold Megaways | 96.10% |
Divine Links | 96.46% |
Double Triple Chance | 95.40% |
Extra Wild | 95.79% |
Eye of Dead | 96.46% |
Eye Of Horus | 96.31% |
Eye of Horus Megaways | 95.49% |
Fishing Cashpots | 95.00% |
Follow the Honey | 95.00% |
Football Cashpots | 96.50% |
Dork Unit | 96.28% |
Fortune FreeSpins | 95.00% |
Fruity Bonanza Scatterdrops | 95.31% |
Double Rainbow | 96.38% |
Fishin Frenzy | 96.00% |
Fishin Frenzy Megaways | 95.02% |
Gimme Gold Megaways | 95.90% |
Go Fish | 95.01% |
Gold Cash Big Spins | 95.00% |
Gold Cash Freespins | 95.00% |
Fishing Frenzy Big Catch | 95.36% |
Halloween Cashpots | 96.50% |
Forest Fortune | 96.31% |
Fruit Duel | 96.30% |
Hercules | 95.56% |
Frutz | 96.40% |
Horses Flats | 86.21% |
Horses Jumps | 84.75% |
Horses Sprints | 83.33% |
Hot Bonus Joker | 95.00% |
Genie Jackpots Megaways | 96.52% |
Hot Joker 4 Ways | 95.00% |
Genie Jackpots Wishmaker | 95.50% |
Io | 96.00% |
Gladiator Legends | 96.31% |
Kronos Unleashed | 95.86% |
Lock It Link Night Life | 96.03% |
Gold Blitz Free Spins | 95.50% |
Jungle Falls | 95.18% |
Gorilla Gold Megaways | 97.00% |
King of Charms | 95.51% |
Hot Frootastic | 96.22% |
MONOPOLY Big Spin | 95.75% |
Monopoly Electric Wins | 97.00% |
Hand of Anubis | 96.24% |
Hop’n’Pop | 96.20% |
Lightning Horseman | 95.52% |
Monopoly Mega Movers | 96.05% |
Into the Wild Megaways | 96.09% |
Joker Maxima | 95.00% |
King Kong Cash | 95.59% |
Marbles Sand | 90.00% |
Marbles Sand2 | 90.00% |
Matchday English | 94.34% |
Merry Christmas Megaways | 95.50% |
Mighty Hot Wilds | 96.44% |
Itero | 96.18% |
Montezuma Megaways | 95.92% |
Quick hit Super Wheel Wild red | 95.97% |
Rainbow Riches Freespins | 95.17% |
Rainbow Riches Megaways | 95.90% |
Rainbow Riches Retro | 95.00% |
MotorRacing IndyCars | 83.33% |
MotorRacing StockCars | 83.33% |
King of the West | 95.49% |
Joker Bombs | 96.48% |
Legacy of Ra Megaways | 96.01% |
Neon Pyramid | 95.58% |
Nitropolis 2 | 95.00% |
King Carrot | 96.30% |
Sevens on Fire | 95.10% |
Spartacus Megaways | 96.27% |
Rainbow Cash Pots | 96.50% |
Very Fruity | 95.51% |
Cluedo Mighty Ways | 96.11% |
88 Fortunes | 96.00% |
88 Fortunes Megaways | 96.30% |
Reel King | 94.00% |
Reel King Megaways | 96.23% |
Reel Lucky King Megaways | 95.56% |
Reel Spooky King Megaways | 95.56% |
Lucky Nuggets Megaways | 95.50% |
Lucky Pharaoh | 94.00% |
Maradona | 95.50% |
Multi Wild | 96.68% |
Let It Snow | 96.42% |
Napoleon | 95.96% |
Primal Megaways | 96.76% |
Scarab Gold | 95.78% |
Cirque Du Soliel Kooza | 96.00% |
Slots O Luck Free Spins | 95.07% |
Soccer Euroleague | 94.34% |
Soccer International | 94.34% |
Soccer NationsCup | 94.34% |
Something Fruity | 95.68% |
Space Invaders | 95.00% |
Montezuma | 95.86% |
Raging Rhino | 95.91% |
Mines | 96.00% |
Stacked Fire 7s | 95.00% |
Super Fire 7s | 95.00% |
Super Fruits Joker | 96.50% |
Super Fruits Wild | 95.00% |
Super Hot Fruits | 95.00% |
Super Hot Fruits Megaways | 94.00% |
Super Hot Mystery Wilds | 94.01% |
Red Hot Repeater | 95.65% |
Tahiti Gold | 96.10% |
Mystery Motel | 96.30% |
Return of Kong Megaways | 96.03% |
Temple of Light | 95.51% |
Rick and Morty Megaways | 96.55% |
Rick And Morty: Wubba Lubba Dub | 96.13% |
Rise of Atlantis | 96.01% |
Outlaws Inc | 96.23% |
Rocket Reels | 96.30% |
Rolling in Gold | 96.46% |
The Grand Galore | 96.00% |
Safari Gold Megaways | 95.50% |
Tin Can Cash | 95.00% |
Saint Nicked | 96.43% |
Top O The Bonus | 95.61% |
Stack ‘Em | 96.20% |
Vegas Cash Spins | 95.90% |
Rainbow Riches | 95.00% |
Spartacus | 95.94% |
Sweet Success Megaways | 96.06% |
Vegas Hits | 94.10% |
Voodoo Gold | 96.10% |
Tasty Treats | 96.21% |
Wild Toro 2 | 95.00% |
Win Win | 96.10% |
Ted | 95.67% |
Ted Megaways | 96.01% |
Temple of Treasures Megaways | 96.46% |
The Bowery Boys | 96.41% |
Volts and Bolts | 95.63% |
Zeus | 95.97% |
Zeus II | 96.76% |
Zulu Gold | 95.00% |
Time Spinners | 96.19% |
Toshi Video Club | 96.17% |
Animal Antics | 95.00% |
Wanted Dead or a Wild | 96.38% |
Zeus III | 96.10% |
Big Egyptian Fortune | 94.83% |
Warrior Ways | 96.00% |
Invaders Megaways | 96.00% |
Marvelous Mouse Coin Combo | 96.00% |
Totem Thunder | 95.01% |
Xpander | 96.25% |
Big Wheel Bonus | 95.00% |
Legend of Triton | 95.00% |
Catch of the Day | 95.05% |
Fruit Mix | 94.56% |
Burn 7s Burn | 94.50% |
Gold Cherry | 95.00% |
Alpha Eagle | 96.26% |
Respin 7s | 94.80% |
Undead Fortune | 96.29% |
Big Scary Fortune | 94.84% |
Chilli Prize Pots | 94.98% |
Sports Bonanza Accumul8 | 96.00% |
Break Bones | 96.22% |
Anubis Gold | 94.90% |
Disco Dawgs | 96.00% |
Thai Flower Megaways | 95.49% |
The Goonies | 96.00% |
The Stash | 96.00% |
Reel Linking | 95.00% |
Pug Life | 96.33% |
Stargate Megaways | 94.00% |
Big Santa Fortune | 94.83% |
Big Football Bonus | 95.00% |
Raging Rhino Mightyways | 96.00% |
Book of Time | 96.13% |
Treasures of the Dead | 96.27% |
Vikings Unleashed Megaways | 96.50% |
Voodoo Temple | 96.50% |
Ultra Blazing Fire Link | 96.00% |
Scarab Fortunes | 94.01% |
Christmas Vibes Accumul8 | 96.06% |
Dancing Drums Prosperity | 94.05% |
Gronks Gems | 96.24% |
Jin Ji Bao Xi Megaways | 96.37% |
Christmas Krampus | 96.02% |
Santas Winning Wishlist | 95.00% |
Santa Stacked Freespins | 95.50% |
Santa King Megaways | 95.50% |
7s on Fire Deluxe | 96.02% |
Gorilla Madness | 96.00% |
Prometheus Titan of Fire | 94.30% |
Rainbow Riches Crops of Cash | 96.00% |
Rotten | 96.27% |
RIP City | 96.22% |
Torque | 95.95% |
Wish Upon a Leprechaun Megaways | 95.50% |
Leprechauns Lucky Charms | 95.02% |
Stunt Stars | 95.99% |
Reel Em In A Bit Fishy | 96.00% |
Crystal Vault | 94.02% |
Goat Rush | 94.25% |
Franks Farm | 96.31% |
Reign of the Mountain King | 96.00% |
Grizzly Strike | 96.13% |
Bloodthirst | 96.19% |
Stellar Cash Chicken Fox5x | 96.27% |
Lock it Link Diamonds | 94.00% |
Call of the wild | 94.53% |
Megaways Jack and The Magic Beans | 96.14% |
Novibet Retro Solitaire | 99.49% |
Nobiladies Retro Solitaire | 99.49% |
West Coast Cash Infinity Reels | 96.16% |
Flaming Tomatoes | 96.00% |
Plinko Go | 96.00% |
Magic Piggy | 96.19% |
9 Burning Dragons | 96.12% |
9 Burning Stars | 96.14% |
9 Coins | 96.06% |
9 Coins 1000 Edition | 96.14% |
9 Coins Grand Gold Edition | 96.14% |
9 Lions | 96.59% |
9 Tigers | 96.15% |
Black Hawk | 96.23% |
Black Hawk Deluxe | 96.47% |
Burning Stars 3 | 96.12% |
Butterfly Lovers | 96.16% |
Choco Reels | 96.22% |
Clover Lady | 96.21% |
Dwarfs Fortune | 96.16% |
Football Mania Deluxe | 96.59% |
Fortune Reels | 96.12% |
Fruit Mania Deluxe | 96.59% |
Gem Splitter | 96.27% |
Great Book of Magic Deluxe | 96.47% |
Hot 777 Deluxe | 96.47% |
Hot Slot 777 Crown | 96.47% |
Hot Slot Magic Bombs | 96.17% |
Hot Slot Magic Pearls | 96.19% |
Hot Slot Mystery Jackpot Jocker | 96.11% |
In The Forest | 96.63% |
Infinity Hero | 96.24% |
Jelly Reels | 96.22% |
Juicy Reels | 96.49% |
Jumping Fruits | 96.40% |
Larry the Leprechaun | 96.47% |
Lucky Reels | 96.60% |
Magic Fruits Deluxe | 96.10% |
Magic Hot 4 Deluxe | 96.10% |
Magic of the Ring Deluxe | 96.47% |
Magic Stars 3 | 96.50% |
Magic Stars 5 | 96.42% |
Magic Stars 6 | 96.49% |
Magic Stars 9 | 96.21% |
Magic Target Deluxe | 96.63% |
Magic Spins | 96.17% |
Midnight in Tokyo | 96.16% |
Mystery Jack Deluxe | 96.49% |
Power of Gods: Egypt | 96.19% |
Power of Gods Hades | 96.08% |
Power of Gods: Medusa | 96.18% |
Power of Gods Valhalla | 96.23% |
Power of Sun Svarog | 96.15% |
Prosperity Pearls | 96.18% |
Reel Hero | 96.22% |
Reel Joke | 96.20% |
Relic Hunters and the Book of Faith | 96.37% |
Sizzling 777 Deluxe | 96.42% |
Sizzling Eggs | 96.12% |
Sizzling Moon | 96.14% |
Sonic Reels | 96.24% |
Space Spins | 96.66% |
Sun of Fortune | 94.26% |
Telly Reels | 96.19% |
Unicorn Reels | 96.14% |
Valhalla | 96.47% |
Lightning Viking | 95.04% |
Keep em Cool | 96.19% |
Leprechaun Charms | 95.00% |
Moon of Thoth | 94.50% |
Cops and Robbers Big Money | 94.99% |
Wolf Legend Megaways | 96.21% |
Great Book of Magic Deluxe | 96.47% |
Brood of Gods | 95.99% |
Ritual Respins | 96.08% |
Maverick | 95.00% |
Wild Outlaws | 96.10% |
Stormforged | 96.41% |
Novibet Christmas Megaways | 96.20% |
Novibet Megaways | 96.20% |
Hot Slot 777 Stars | 96.10% |
Vegas Hotspots | 96.06% |
Power of Sun Svarog Easter | 96.15% |
9 Coins Easter | 96.06% |
Hot Slot 777 Rubies | 96.14% |
Cash Falls Pirates Trove | 96.00% |
Lightning Eclipse | 96.03% |
Fear the Dark | 96.25% |
Stampeding Strike | 95.00% |
Cursed Seas | 96.22% |
Trawler Fishin | 94.56% |
Zeus God of Thunder | 96.05% |
Cash Falls Island Bounty | 95.97% |
Lucky Fish Finder | 96.96% |
Mayan Stackways | 96.23% |
Jin Chan Cash | 95.89% |
Book of Toro | 95.00% |
Katmandu Gold | 96.20% |
Cygnus | 96.10% |
Ice Wolf | 96.10% |
Dynamite Frenzy | 95.95% |
Chain Reactors Deluxe | 96.05% |
Cloud Corsairs | 95.58% |
Wins of Nautilus Megaways | 97.00% |
The Terminator | 94.50% |
Flaming Tomatoes | 96.00% |
Dropz | 94.00% |
Avalon Gold | 94.00% |
Freeway 7 | 94.00% |
Pacific Gold | 95.00% |
Wicked Kitty | 94.53% |
Ultimate Fire Link Olvera Street | 95.97% |
Nitropolis | 96.10% |
Plinko | 96.02% |
Hot Slot Great Book of Magic | 96.19% |
Hot Slot: 777 Cash Out | 96.12% |
Thor 10K Ways | 96.08% |
Buffalo Toro | 94.00% |
Money Link The Great Immortals | 94.00% |
1 Million Fortunes Megaways | 96.20% |
Catch of the Day – Reeling Em In | 95.53% |
Temple of Torment | 96.22% |
Beast Below | 96.29% |
Mystery Kingdom: Mystery Bells | 96.13% |
Secret 7s | 94.01% |
Lord Venom | 96.20% |
Mighty Masks | 96.30% |
Aztec Reel | 95.61% |
Big Buffalo | 92.50% |
Big Buffalo Megaways | 96.50% |
Book of Gems Megaways no buy feature | 95.00% |
Buffalo Lightning | 93.67% |
Combat Masters | 96.09% |
Full Moon Madness | 96.61% |
Go Gold | 92.63% |
Gold Shot | 95.55% |
Jaguar Gold | 93.00% |
Joker’s Luck | 97.61% |
Joker’s Luck Deluxe | 97.00% |
Mystery Bells | 93.03% |
Olympic Cash | 95.90% |
Pot Shot | 95.55% |
Queen of Wand | 93.96% |
RainBalls | 93.00% |
Ready, Set, Cash! | 92.45% |
Respin Mania | 93.17% |
Ruby Pearl | 96.74% |
Super Lion | 96.50% |
Super Wolf no PJP | 95.34% |
Wild Five | 93.04% |
Sticky Sevens Megaways | 96.50% |
Wicked Dice | 96.50% |
Wild Wild Cash Out | 96.50% |
Baccarat A01 | 98.94% |
Baccarat A01 No Commission | 98.94% |
Baccarat A02 | 98.94% |
Baccarat A02 No Commission | 98.94% |
Baccarat A04 | 98.94% |
Baccarat A04 No Commission | 98.94% |
Baccarat A05 | 98.94% |
Baccarat A05 No Commission | 98.94% |
Baccarat A06 | 98.94% |
Baccarat A06 No Commission | 98.94% |
Baccarat A07 | 98.94% |
Baccarat A07 No Commission | 98.94% |
Roulette A01 | 97.30% |
Roulette A03 | 97.30% |
Witchin Winnin | 96.50% |
8 Tigers Gold Megaways | 96.50% |
Dance With The Devil | 96.50% |
Si Ling Megaways | 96.50% |
Inca Gems | 96.50% |
Nunchucks Chicken | 96.50% |
Cash Mine | 96.50% |
Atom Roulette | 97.30% |
Big Top Bonanza Megaways | 96.50% |
Shaolin Showdown | 96.50% |
Teller of Tales | 96.50% |
Mahjong Jinpai | 96.50% |
Big Buffalo Badlands | 96.50% |
Judge and Jury Megaways | 96.50% |
Jin Dynasty | 96.50% |
Max Chance and the Safari Secrets | 96.50% |
Heavenly Gold | 96.50% |
Blackjack Max | 99.46% |
Halloween Luck | 96.50% |
World Cup Gold | 96.50% |
Zeus Kingdom of Riches | 96.50% |
Christmas Luck | 96.50% |
Forest Fruit Magic | 96.50% |
Pinata Smash | 96.50% |
Live Jokers Wheel | 95.26% |
Sugar Bonanza Deluxe | 96.50% |
Atom Red Roulette | 97.30% |
Atom Green Roulette | 97.30% |
Atom Blue Roulette | 97.30% |
Atom Yellow Roulette | 97.30% |
Celestial Beauty | 96.50% |
Fruitopolis | 96.50% |
Red Roulette | 97.30% |
Green Roulette | 97.30% |
Blue Roulette | 97.30% |
Yellow Roulette | 97.30% |
The Ripper | 96.50% |
Toucan Wild | 96.50% |
Sweet Gems | 96.07% |
Royal Crown | 96.31% |
Book of Souls Remastered | 95.55% |
Fruits & 777s | 96.29% |
Lara Jones is Cleopatra 2 | 96.10% |
Fruit Hot Bonanza | 95.88% |
Book of Souls II: El Dorado | 95.98% |
Wild Gold | 96.15% |
Super 7 Deluxe | 95.81% |
Book of Muertitos | 96.04% |
Valholl | 95.80% |
Mighty Fruits | 96.39% |
Book of The Princess | 96.40% |
Blue Diamond Book | 96.04% |
Wilds Of Wall Street II | 95.66% |
Golden Engines | 96.11% |
James Gold and the Mummy Riches | 96.66% |
Cold Gold | 96.66% |
The Lioness | 93.79% |
Mythological Mayhem | 96.00% |
Great Grizzly | 94.00% |
Fortune Dragon Queen | 94.00% |
Armadillo Does Christmas | 96.02% |
Cat Ching | 94.40% |
Golden Chick | 96.10% |
Tikiz N Juice | 96.14% |
Mining Madness | 97.32% |
Blackjack MH 21+3 | 99.46% |
Blackjack MH Perfect Pairs | 99.46% |
Blackjack MH VIP | 99.46% |
Blackjack SH VIP | 99.83% |
Blackjack Single Hand | 99.83% |
Plinko | 94.79% |
777 Jackpot Diamond | 96.06% |
Football Cup World | 91.50% |
Instant EuroLeague Legends | 95.00% |
Nascar Streak | 91.50% |
Greyhound Streak | 91.50% |
Football Streak | 91.50% |
Football Streak Champions | 91.50% |
Horses Streak | 91.50% |
Virtual Football League | 91.50% |
Football Penalty Duel | 91.50% |
Virtual Football Cup | 91.50% |
Coin Miner | 95.00% |
Blackjack Bonus Wheel 1000 | 99.46% |
Angry Elf Xmas Miner | 97.32% |
Mining Madness | 94.00% |
Raging Zeus | 95.72% |
Buffalo Trail | 96.06% |
Burning Slots 20 | 96.04% |
Cave of Gold | 96.07% |
Ramses Rising | 96.20% |
Burning Slots | 96.02% |
Book of Gods | 96.12% |
Bonnie & Clyde | 95.92% |
Stunning Hot Remastered | 96.01% |
Book of Gates | 96.03% |
Book Of Ming | 96.33% |
Stunning Hot 20 Deluxe Remastered | 96.01% |
Stunning 27 Remastered | 96.05% |
Wild Jack Remastered | 96.12% |
Energy Fruits | 96.01% |
Stunning Snow Remastered | 96.01% |
Lucky Tropics | 97.00% |
Cave of Fortune | 96.04% |
Energy Stars | 96.01% |
Chicken Madness | 96.06% |
The Secrets of the Nile 2 | 95.45% |
Hot Hot Honey | 96.02% |
Aztec Bonus Pot | 94.24% |
Raging Zeus Mines | 94.40% |
1 Reel Demi God II | 95.42% |
1 Reel Golden Piggy | 95.42% |
1 Reel Patrick | 95.42% |
Book Of Demi Gods II | 96.14% |
Book Of Rampage | 96.14% |
Book Of Rebirth | 96.14% |
Book Of Xmas | 96.14% |
Demi Gods II | 96.29% |
Egyptian Rebirth II | 96.31% |
Joker Win | 96.15% |
Luxury Club | 96.44% |
Majestic King | 96.31% |
Poseidons Rising | 95.58% |
Queen Of Fire | 95.89% |
Queen Of Ice | 95.89% |
Times Of Egypt | 95.83% |
Titan’s Rising | 95.58% |
Wacky Monkey | 95.72% |
Wildfire Fruits | 95.72% |
Wolf Fang | 95.83% |
Wild Willys Gold Rush | 96.03% |
Book of Novibet | 96.14% |
Outlaws | 96.05% |
Athenas Glory | 96.29% |
Baba Yaga Tales | 95.58% |
Book Of Aphrodite | 96.01% |
Book of Lucky Jack – The Lost Pearl | 96.01% |
Lucky Jack – Book Of Rebirth | 96.01% |
Night Wolf – Darkest Flame | 95.79% |
Pick a Fruit – Fire Blaze | 95.72% |
Queen Of Fire – Frozen Flames | 96.50% |
Reign Of Seth | 96.43% |
15 Armadillos | 94.70% |
Armadillo Goes West | 94.46% |
Fashion TV Highlife | 94.54% |
Atlantis | 95.00% |
Blood | 95.00% |
Bonus Joker II | 95.00% |
Dice 81 | 95.00% |
Four Fruits II | 95.00% |
Lucky 81 | 95.00% |
Wild Fruits 27 | 95.00% |
Turbo Slots | 95.00% |
Rich Fish | 95.00% |
Smiling Joker II | 95.00% |
Burning Dice | 95.00% |
El Dorado Treasure | 95.00% |
Hell Game | 95.00% |
Horror Joker | 95.00% |
Jewel Fruit | 95.00% |
RUR | 95.00% |
War of Titans | 95.00% |
Mad Mechanic Deluxe | 95.00% |
Midnight Fruits 81 | 94.60% |
Pandora | 95.00% |
Slot Birds | 95.00% |
Fairytale Beauties | 96.29% |
1 Reel Wolf Fang | 95.42% |
1 Reel Buffalo | 95.42% |
Fairy Fantasy Exotic Wilds | 96.00% |
Wild Cash X9990 | 96.00% |
Miss Cherry Fruits | 96.13% |
Fruit Million | 97.10% |
Minesweeper XY | 98.40% |
Rocket Dice XY | 99.00% |
Heads and Tails XY | 99.00% |
Coin Miner 2 | 94.05% |
Paddys Payouts | 96.25% |
11 Enchanting Relics | 94.23% |
6 Tokens of Gold | 96.20% |
9 Blazing Diamonds | 96.33% |
Alice in WildLand | 96.33% |
Amazing Link Apollo | 96.40% |
Amazing Link Zeus | 96.33% |
Ancient Fortunes: Poseidon Megaways | 95.98% |
Atlantis Rising | 96.20% |
Big Boom Riches | 96.06% |
Book of Captain Silver | 96.40% |
Break Da Bank Again Megaways | 96.15% |
Fionas Fortune | 94.00% |
Gold Collector Diamond Edition | 94.25% |
9 Masks of Fire | 96.24% |
9 Pots of Gold | 96.24% |
African Quest | 96.02% |
Ancient Fortunes: Zeus | 96.02% |
Arena of Gold | 96.20% |
Book of Oz | 96.50% |
Immortal Romance | 96.86% |
Thunderstruck II | 96.65% |
Fire Forge | 96.00% |
Mermaids Millions | 96.56% |
Thunderstruck Wild Lightning | 96.10% |
Hyperstrike | 96.24% |
Jurassic Park Gold | 94.00% |
Jurassic World Raptor Riches | 96.02% |
Kings of Crystal | 94.25% |
Queen of Alexandria | 96.00% |
Serengeti Gold | 96.10% |
Wolf Call | 96.44% |
WWE Legends: Link & Win | 94.25% |
Mustang Riches | 96.45% |
Cash ‘N Riches Megaways | 94.01% |
777 Surge | 94.00% |
Dungeons and Diamonds | 94.20% |
AbraCatDabra | 94.03% |
Dia del Mariachi Megaways | 94.23% |
Wild Link Cleopatra | 94.21% |
Western Gold 2 | 94.20% |
Scarab Auto Roulette | 97.30% |
Aquatic Treasures Coach 2 Coast | 94.10% |
Wild Wild Romance | 94.03% |
Mask of Amun | 94.00% |
11 Coins of Fire | 94.24% |
Divine Riches Helios | 94.04% |
Stumpy McDoodles 2 | 94.20% |
Starlite Fruits | 94.00% |
Sonic Links | 94.18% |
Oink Farm | 94.52% |
Roulette OnAir | 97.30% |
Roulette OnAir (Russia) | 97.30% |
Roulette OnAir (Hindi) | 97.30% |
Airwave Roulette | 97.30% |
Blackjack Lobby | 99.65% |
Roulette Lobby | 97.30% |
Blackjack Amsterdam | 99.65% |
Blackjack Brussels | 99.65% |
Blackjack London | 99.65% |
Blackjack Manchester | 99.65% |
Blackjack Valletta | 99.65% |
Blackjack Miami | 99.65% |
Blackjack Berlin | 99.65% |
Blackjack Riga | 99.65% |
Blackjack Kazan | 99.65% |
Blackjack Sochi | 99.65% |
Blackjack Mumbai | 99.65% |
Blackjack Bengaluru | 99.65% |
Blackjack Sports Arena 2 | 99.65% |
Standard Blackjack | 99.44% |
Sports Arena Roulette | 97.30% |
Treasures Of Kilauea | 94.05% |
Cairo | 94.17% |
Turbo Fortune | 95.34% |
Auto Roulette | 97.30% |
The Phantom of the Opera Link & Win | 94.35% |
Diamond King Gold | 94.23% |
Vegas Golden Bells | 94.20% |
Streamicon 9 Pots of Gold | 96.24% |
Amazon Kingdom | 94.23% |
Amazing Link Bounty | 94.20% |
Wild Link Zeus | 94.19% |
Vegas Cash | 94.24% |
Vinnie Jones Roulette | 97.30% |
Fishin Bigger Pots Of Gold | 94.16% |
Rockys Gold Ultraways | 94.20% |
Eclipse Blackjack | 99.44% |
Agnes Mission Wild Lab | 94.48% |
Robin Hoods Heroes | 94.18% |
Outlaw Saloon | 94.00% |
Pearl Catcher | 94.22% |
9 Mad Hats Absolootly Mad | 94.06% |
3 Lucky Rainbows | 94.16% |
Thunderstruck Stormchaser | 94.01% |
Ticket to Riches | 94.10% |
Lotus Speed Baccarat 2 | 98.94% |
Vinnie Jones Blackjack | 99.51% |
Card Matchup | 96.27% |
Diamond Sands | 94.11% |
Build the Bank | 94.18% |
Vinnie Jones Stories Roulette | 97.30% |
Speed Roulette | 97.30% |
Fionas Christmas Fortune | 94.00% |
WWE Clash of the Wilds | 94.20% |
Amazing Link Poseidon | 94.16% |
Akiva Claws of Power | 94.01% |
Gold Mine Stacks | 94.00% |
Fishin Christmas Pots of Gold | 94.06% |
Dragons Keep | 94.04% |
Piles of Presents | 94.16% |
Diamond Discovery | 94.18% |
Guardians of the Pyramids | 94.04% |
Real Christmas Roulette | 97.30% |
Dr Watts Up | 94.04% |
Gold Blitz | 94.00% |
Fishing Floats of Cash | 94.00% |
Book of Fate | 94.00% |
Fishing Floats of Cash | 94.00% |
Wolf Blaze Megaways | 94.01% |
Trojan Kingdom | 94.17% |
Ultimate Blackjack With Olivia | 99.51% |
Assassin Moon | 96.33% |
Bison Moon | 94.08% |
Fruit Salad | 93.94% |
Agent Blitz Mission Moneymaker | 94.25% |
Wild Link Frenzy | 94.17% |
Divine Riches Diana | 94.04% |
Rome Fight For Gold | 94.40% |
Roulette with Rachael | 97.30% |
Gold Mine Stacks 2 | 94.04% |
Action Boost Gorilla Gems | 94.20% |
Blackjack Toronto | 99.65% |
Mighty Titan Link & Win | 94.01% |
Georges Gold | 94.17% |
Chicago Gold | 94.20% |
Gallo Gold Brunos Megaways | 94.01% |
Nexus Roulette | 97.30% |
Shandar Blackjack | 99.65% |
Blackjack Madrid | 99.65% |
Amazing Link Catalleros | 94.20% |
9 Races to Glory | 94.06% |
Lucky Rabbit Fortunes | 94.18% |
Squealin Riches | 93.91% |
Countess Cash | 94.08% |
Fire and Roses Joker | 94.01% |
Ultimate Blackjack with Rachael | 99.51% |
Wildfire Wins Extreme | 94.08% |
Chests of Gold Power Combo | 94.25% |
Chilli Pepe Hot Stacks | 94.20% |
Sugar Craze Bonanza | 94.01% |
9 Pots of Gold Megaways | 94.00% |
Granny VS Zombies Lock n Win | 94.01% |
Adventure Piggy Pays El Dorado | 94.20% |
Hockey Fever Roulette | 97.30% |
Monkey Bonanza | 94.12% |
Front Runner Link and Win | 94.24% |
Area Link Phoenix | 94.20% |
Bubble Beez | 94.16% |
Fortune Pike Gold | 94.15% |
Numero Uno | 94.04% |
Spin Spin Sugar | 94.23% |
Golden Fields | 94.15% |
Rome Supermatch | 94.00% |
Blazing Piranhas | 94.02% |
Action Boost Amber Island | 94.20% |
Geese with Attitude | 94.14% |
Joker Fire Frenzy | 94.06% |
Storm to Riches | 94.09% |
Flaming Tiki | 94.06% |
Champions of Olympus | 94.06% |
Real Sic Bo with Sarati | 97.22% |
Blazing Bison Gold Blitz | 94.00% |
Rubies of Egypt | 94.19% |
Amazon Lost Gold | 94.22% |
Electric Charge | 94.30% |
9 Wiggly Worms | 94.06% |
Amazing Link Hades | 94.20% |
Dragon Empires Golden Age | 94.11% |
Bling Bling Penguin | 93.91% |
Hyper Strike Cash Megaways | 94.15% |
4 Masks of Inca | 94.00% |
Gold Rush Express | 94.20% |
Persian Jewels | 94.02% |
Dog Days | 94.00% |
Vegas Mega Spin | 94.00% |
Lara Croft Tomb of the Sun | 94.11% |
Golden Dragons | 94.00% |
Wild Link Riches | 94.17% |
Sure Thing Penny Roller | 94.18% |
Eggz Power Combo | 94.25% |
CatPurry | 94.00% |
Blazing Sea | 94.12% |
Blazing Sea 10 lines | 94.12% |
Magic Jokers | 94.21% |
* Τα RTP των παιχνιδιών είναι ανανεωμένα στις 2/8/23